Sacred Heart Parish Newsletter
10th Week in Ordinary Time 2020
Today we celebrate the mystery of God himself – the blessed Trinity. God alone can speak adequately about God. This He has done by becoming man in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the divine love in human form: in him dwells the fulness of the Godhead. It is through him that God makes himself known in the intimacy of faith. The saints – those who are versed in prayer – remind us that we cannot speak about God until we learn to speak to Him.
Keeping together in these difficult times is not always easy. In order to improve communication in our parish we are redesigning the parish website. The address will remain . It will look much ‘cleaner’ and be easier to navigate. Also, there will be a page for you to make contact and to share your ideas and questions. The new website will soon be up and running.
We have already in place our Facebook page: ‘Sacred Heart R C Church North Walsham’. If you are on Facebook, search for our page and then ask to join. When you get in you will see posts by other members of our community. You can just read them or, if you wish, you can ‘reply’ and add your comments. This will enable all who are on-line to keep in touch with each other.
Marie-Madeleine Kenning from our diocese has recently produced a book on Cambodia: ‘Then the Khmer Rouge Came: Survivors’ Stories from Northwest Cambodia, a memoir’. It will be published at the end of June but you can pre-order a copy by contacting her on:
Remember to pray for our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Tom Ender, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice, David Battigan, Graham Burdett and Mary Carr.
We remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Una Youngson, Mary Cushion, Jean Booth, Hannah Waters, Barbara Winfield, Hilda Martin, Patricia Minehan, Winifride Williamson, Charles Bryson, Lilian Davis, James Bailey, John Stevenson, Grace Rock, Robert Franklen, Lydia Mercer and Anna Beales.
We have had to change the email address of the parish office. The new address is:
Father James