There are times when we can sympathise with Job in today’s first reading. He maintains that a man’s life is ‘nothing more than pressed service….hired drudgery’! For too many people, especially those trapped in an unjust society or an unfulfilling job, his words will find an echo. In the Gospel we see a very different picture: energy, activity, purpose. Jesus travels all through Galilee overcoming devils, curing the sick and preaching to the people who flock to him. At the centre of all this are the times of prayer which fuel and underpin the activity – as they must for us. This is a far cry from enforced drudgery: this is ‘why I came’ – to lift the burden of evil and sickness. St Paul too has a positive attitude to his life. He embraces his ‘pressed service’ because of the gospel which makes all his labours worthwhile ‘at any cost’.
We are beginning preparations for the Parish Summer Fete on Sunday, 5th July. This event is partly to raise funds but, just as important, it brings together all three communities for a fun day. It would be great to have some new blood, so to speak! If you are new to the parish or have never been involved before now is your chance: a good way to meet people and make new friends. You can always speak to me after the Sunday Masses or during the week.
God bless you all.
Father James
PS. From a genuine report from a hospital in Glasgow:
‘This patient has a chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year’.
Events at Aylsham.St John of the Cross will be hosting the first of the Churches Together Lenten Lunches on Friday, 27th February from 12 – 1.30. We need helpers to prepare and serve the food. St John’s will also be the venue for the Women’s World Day of Prayer on Friday, 6th March at 2.30 and 7.30 pm. If you can help with either event please contact Pauline Andrews on 01263 732780.
A Lent Course will begin on Wednesday, 25th February in Aylsham Parish Church from 7.30 – 8.30 pm ending with Compline.