A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass (Aylsham and North Walsham) and meet some of our parishioners. Our visitors may like to use one of the “one off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
Continuing on our Advent journey in preparation for the coming of our Lord, we will again be praying the Angelus before the start of Mass – a beautiful prayer with a focus on the Incarnation. Do make sure you have our Advent leaflet giving details of Services during Advent and Christmas Mass times.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION This Solemnity is being kept on Monday (9th), transferred from the Sunday: Mass is at 9.30am (NW).
Next Sunday (15th) is Gaudete Sunday: there will be a 2nd collection for the Dependent Priests’ Fund. Special Gift Aid Envelopes are available in the porch.
“Walk with Me” – A Journey of Prayer for Advent & Christmastide 2013: copies of this booklet are available in the porch at the cost of £1.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP – meets Monday 9th December: am. Computer Workshop; pm. The conclusion of the DVD – “The Nativity Story”. Also tying up arrangements for the Christmas Lunch, followed by Bingo, if time!
JOURNEY INTO FAITH – How to become a Catholic or know more about the Catholic Faith: this week on Thursday at 2.30pm in the Presbytery.
HOUSE MASS at the home of Janet & Terry McIlwee on Friday 13th at 7.30pm: 11 Hartwell Road, Wroxham, NR12 8TL (01603 782414). (Note change of venue)
RECONCILIATION SERVICE at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Sheringham on Saturday (14th) at 11.00am.
Churches Together on the Broads hold their Annual Carol Service this year at Neatishead Baptist Church on this evening, Sunday 8th December at 6.00pm to which all are welcome: Father David will be preaching.
AT ST HELEN’S, HOVETON – Carols & Readings by Candlelight Another opportunity for parishioners from our three churches to come together, with those living locally, to hear the message of the angels in this lovely candlelit service of readings & carols. Do invite family and friends to come along too. Thursday at 7.00pm.
PARISH CAROL SERVICE at the Sacred Heart Church, North Walsham on Sunday 22nd December at 3pm including nativity play with our Children’s Liturgy Group. This is for the whole parish, your families and friends: mulled wine and mince pies will be served after the service.
MINUTES of the PPC meeting of 10th September are now on the website and in each church on noticeboards.
PARISH CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY Sunday 22nd December at 4.00 – 6.00pm, parish hall at North Walsham, following the Parish Carol Service (3pm). This is the last weekend for adding children’s names to the list (in porch).
SUPPORT CAMBODIA: Gift Cards at £5, £10 & £15 (similar to CAFOD World Gifts) will be available at all Masses this weekend and next. A small selection of Cambodian Crafts will also be on sale at Aylsham and North Walsham on Sunday 15th December only. For those who wish, there will also be an opportunity to make financial donations to Cambodia at all weekend Masses up to Christmas. If possible, please consider ‘Gift Aiding’ all purchases and donations using the designated envelopes. Thank you for supporting Cambodia.
CHRISTMAS DAY LUNCH (Supported by Churches Together in North Walsham) is kindly offered to anyone living within the North Walsham community who will be on their own on Christmas Day (no matter what age); to come and enjoy a free Christmas lunch. To reserve a place simply write to Mr & Mrs R J Vincent, Wisiwig, 14 Marshgate, North Walsham. NR28 9EE or email roger.vinvent@hotmail.co.uk (No telephone calls please).
Volunteer drivers needed to help with driving and serving. Please offer using the same postal or email address.
NEW YEAR EPIPHANY CANDLELIGHT MASS for young people across the diocese is on 4th January at 6pm at The White House, Poringland. All the family welcome. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Alan and will be followed by refreshments, a bonfire and fireworks. More information at the back of the church or go to www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth
CAFOD WORLD GIFTS There are still plenty of copies of the Christmas brochures available at the back of church – help yourself to one.
PARISH CATHOLIC DIARIES are available FREE at the back of the church.
FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE a newsletter from the Diocesan Youth Service, remembering special events past, with calendar of key events for the young in 2014. Do pick up a copy and pass one to any of your friends.
CYCLE OF PRAYER : During Advent and Christmastide we are asked to pray for: An openness to God’s Word; Migrants and Refugees and Expectant Mothers.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including John Archer, Pearl Irene Byrne, Rose May Archer, Joseph (Joe) Rose, Jean Mary Gawthorpe, Mary Monica Fogarty, Effie Kathleen Krzyszton, Angela Gabrielle Holmes, Mildred Parker and Ivan Fisher. May they rest in peace. Amen.