A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR VISITORS who may be with us this weekend. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thank you.
TODAY the cycle of Ordinary Sundays is interrupted by the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St John Lateran. Why is this so significant? The reason is that the Lateran Basilica is the Cathedral Church of the Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis. This is where Pope Francis has his ‘cathedra’ or episcopal chair – not St Peter’s. It reminds us that as a catholic parish we are in communion with the successor of Peter and the Lateran Basilica is the Mother Church of all Catholic Christians.
It is also Remembrance Sunday: the two-minute silence at the 11.00am Mass this year will be observed during the Prayers of the Faithful.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets on Monday(10th): am – Computer Workshop; pm – A Service of Remembrance in context of a Eucharistic Service for deceased members of the group, led by Deacon Ron. Everybody is welcome.
BIBLE STUDY GROUP meets on Friday 14th at 2.30pm when they will be studying the Gospel for the following Sunday.
The Ebola virus in West Africa has infected more than 8,000 people . If you wish to give your support CAFOD is working with partners in the region. Donate online at: cafod.org.uk/ebola or call 03001000089.
PASTORAL COUNCIL now have their two nominees: Chris Falla (Mrs) for St John of the Cross, Aylsham; Michael Haughton for St Helen’s, Hoveton.
JOURNEY INTO FAITHF or anyone wishing to join the Journey Into Faith programme, the sessions take place on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm at St John of the Cross, Aylsham. Further information call Bob on 01263 577784.
CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX APPEAL Please note that next weekend (15th/16th) the completed shoeboxes should be left in the church porches of North Walsham and Hoveton, ready for collection. Aylsham have their own arrangements.
HOUSE MASS: due to take place at the home of Clare and Robert Hardie has been cancelled because of the Requiem Mass for Charlie Thacker at St Helen’s is on the same day.
Father James will meet with the parents of children who are beginning their preparation for First Holy Communion. This will be in the parish hall on Saturday, 22nd of November at 3.00pm.
WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 Bishop Alan is inviting young people of 16 years and over by July 2016 to join him on Pilgrimage to WYD in Krakow culminating in Mass with Pope Francis. Limited places are available – bookings accepted on a first come served basis. Please see www.catholiceastanglia.com/youth to download and for the information pack.
MISSIO COLLECTION BOXES Please could you hand in your Red Boxes, the APF or Mission collection boxes: to Peter Adamson at Aylsham; Sue Perrott at the Sacred Heart and Maureen Keane at St Helen’s. Thank you. The Mission has issued its annual Calendar for 2015, available in church porches FREE. Thank you.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA. Next weekend the annual Appeal for funds will be made at all Masses and will remain open until 14th December. The money collected will be used to buy vitamins, medical equipment and (in Cambodia basic necessities eg: shampoo, toothpaste, clothes etc). There will also be an opportunity to purchase Cambodian crafts after the Sunday Masses on the same weekend.
Please note: the 9.30am Mass at Aylsham on Friday 14th will be ‘simple Cambodian-style; followed by tea and biscuits.
MANGO NEWS: next edition of Mango News (Support Cambodia Newsletter) will be out shortly. In the interests of economy and the environment, the majority of copies will in future be distributed by email. If you are happy to receive Mango News by email and have not already registered your e-address with Katie Maidment, please email Katie at katbob@live.co.uk A very limited number of paper copies available for those who do not have email.
Volunteers are needed at St Helen’s to take over the First Wednesday coffee club as existing team will not be continuing after December.Please see Cyril, Lesley, Dave or Mary for more information if interested as soon as possible.
CHARITY CHRISTMAS CARDS supporting Christian Aid and Traidcraft cards plus 19 other charities are on sale at “The Original Norwich Charity Christmas Card Shop” (new venue) All Saints Church, Westlegate, Norwich until 19th December, Monday – Saturday 9.30am until 5.00pm.
We pray for Charles Thacker whose funeral takes place this Friday and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Rose Mary Dunham, Evelyn Ann Andrews, Peggy Jane Browne, Roger Kerrison, Marie Elizabeth Elliott and Teresa Chapman.
May they rest in peace. Amen.