Dear Friends,
‘What must I do?’ the wealthy young man asks. A question that we all ask at some time. The answer for the young man was to put aside the security that his wealth gave him and embark on the uncharted territory of being a disciple free from possessions. He had come so far: he was clearly a good person. But what Jesus was asking was too much – the cost of being a follower of Jesus with all its poverty and uncertainty was too great.
To inherit eternal life is not so much about what I do as what I allow the Lord to do. ‘For men it is impossible’. If I were able to achieve salvation simply by my own good works then there would be no need of a Saviour.
Father James
Quote: Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.
CAFOD – Harvest Fast Day. The CAFOD envelopes distributed last week will be collected at the end of Mass today.
Next Sunday is World Mission Day (Assoc. for Propagation of the Faith). There will be a 2nd Collection for Missio.
This weekend we celebrate and give thanks for the Harvest. At Aylsham and North Walsham parishioners are invited to bring forward harvest items, either before the Mass or in the Offertory Procession. A reminder: No plastic bags, please. Perishable items will be sold after Mass for CAFOD, store cupboard items will go to the Food Bank.
The Rosary is said during October – Hoveton at 5pm before Saturday Mass; Aylsham at 8.30am and North Walsham at 10.30am on Sundays. At the Sacred Heart, volunteers are needed to read: some new people would be great! Please sign the rota in the porch.
Red Mission boxes, to be handed in (Aylsham) to Peter Adamson; N Walsham to Sue Perrott and Hoveton to Maureen Keane.
The Senior Citizens’ Group will be visiting the Straw Museum at Colby in the afternoon. There will be Computer Workshop in the morning.
For the Pastoral Parish Council (PPC) nominations are requested for 3 new representatives, one for each of our church communities. You will find Nomination Forms at the back of each church. Please could all nomination forms be returned to Fr James by the end of October.
Operation “Christmas Child” (Samaritan’s Purse) have sent us the leaflets concerning the making up of shoeboxes for the Appeal. The leaflets explain what is required to make up a box, helpful suggestions of suitable items and the age/gender categories from which to choose. Please take one per person from the back of the church. Completed boxes should be in our churches by Sunday,15th November at the latest! You are asked to give a £3 “shipping” donation with each box; this covers transportation, shipping and promotion. See leaflet.
The sudden death of Olga Kerr last week has been quite a shock to parishioners who have known her for many years, and at one time when she enjoyed better health, as an active and generous member of the church. Her Requiem Mass is on Friday 16th October at 1.30 pm in the Sacred Heart Church when Fr David will officiate.
We pray for Olga Kerr, Paula Seamons and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Thomas Purdy, Wladislaw (Val) Tanistra, Catherine (Kay) Higgs, Arthur Pitman, David Pugh and Edward Viccars-Barber.
May they rest in peace.
Loving Father,
we pray for those baptised who no longer
or rarely attend Church:
that they will understand and experience in their hearts
that Christ is the source of unconditional
love and reconciliation.
We pray for everyone
who worships in our parish community,
that they may find the right words and means
to invite our absent brothers and sisters
to return to the practice of their faith.