28th Week in Ordinary Time 2020
11th – 17th October
In today’s Gospel the kingdom of God is portrayed as a great banquet, a wedding feast, where humanity can sit with God. It describes Israel’s refusal to the invitation of the prophets and its rejection of the gospel as proclaimed by Jesus and his apostles. This invitation is now made to the Church and to all mankind.
Today there will be a retiring collection for CAFOD. You can use a Donation envelope which enable you to GiftAid your offering.
We are looking for bicycles for a group of asylum seekers. If you have one to spare please let me know.
If you wish to attend a Sunday Mass you need to book a place with the co-ordinator for each church:
John Bolger at Sacred Heart – 01692 581516 (bolger@waitrose.com); Fran Ludden at Aylsham – 07849 602227 (fran.ludden@btinternet.com); Richard McGreevy, Hoveton – 01603 738255 (richardmcgreevy@supanet.com)
At present there is no need to book a place for a weekday Mass.
Weekday Masses: Wednesday: 9.30 at St Helen’s, Thursday: 9.30 at Sacred Heart, Friday: 9.30 at St John of the Cross. The Mass on Tuesday has been moved to Thursday to reduce the work of the cleaners.
Please pray for our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice and Mary Carr.
We remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Kathleen Kelly, Wladislaw “Val” Tanistra, Kenneth (Ken) Watson, Elsie Hughes, Catherine (Kay) Higgs, Arthur Pitman, Stanislaus Greiff and David Pugh.
Last week’s collection: £ 392.41. Standing orders: £533.00.
I am working my way through Fratelli Tutti, the recent encyclical from Pope Francis. You can access the English version on the Vatican website.
A big Thank You for your good wishes, cards and gifts for the significant birthday last week. I don’t feel a day older!
Father James