A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS Thank you for joining us for our Mass, we hope you are enjoying your stay in Norfolk. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
Retiring Collection TODAY for SPUC (Society for Protection of unborn Children) for their work which is also currently strongly opposing attempts to re-define marriage. Please see insert below.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is now available in the church porch at a cost of only £1.00 (cover price £1.50 – we have a bulk order). There will be four parts in total. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
Community Meeting at St Helen’s after this Saturday evening’s Mass.
Next Sunday is PEACE DAY: there will be a 2nd Collection for Pax Christi.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP returns Monday 14th January after Christmas break: am. Informal; pm. AGM & Planning Meeting – this may need to be continued the following week. Anyone interested is very welcome to come along, without any commitment.
Last (weekend) opportunity for donations to be placed at the main Cribs in our three churches for “Crisis at Christmas” before the Cribs are taken down.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING PRAYER MEETING at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham on 15th & 29th January, 12th & 26th February: Tony & Betty Dady – tel 01692 402398.
NORTH WALSHAM LITURGY GROUP meets on Friday 18th January at 5.30pm in the Presbytery.
STALHAM AREA HOUSE MASS on Friday 18th January; 7.30pm, at the home of Celia Cooper: Barnside, Stubb Road, Hickling.NR12 0YS. Bring diaries to plan our 2013 dates.
WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY (18th – 25th January). The following Unity Services are taking place within our parish. Please try to support your local one. They are all on Sunday 20th. AYLSHAM: at the Salvation Army at 3.00pm. N. WALSHAM: at the Salvation Army at 3.00pm. HOVETON/WROXHAM: at St Mary’s Hall, Wroxham at 4.30pm (with a shared tea).
SPUC strongly opposes attempts to re-define marriage as, in doing so it weakens family networks that knit society together. Please take one of their Declaration of Support cards and send it off as part of SPUC’s submission to the Prime Minister. Also pick up a sticker to wear to show you care – please take one.
There are also copies of a letter from Bishop Philip Egan, Bishop of Portsmouth, who recently wrote an open letter to the Prime Minister on the subject of same sex marriage – this may help you to write to your local MP. More information will be forthcoming. Do pick up a copy from the church porch.
PARISH CAMBODIA VISIT A group of 10 from the parish leave on Tuesday (15th) for a 17-day visit to our twin parish of Svay Sisophon. Your financial donations, over 70 kilos of “Gifts for Svay” and your greetings, love and prayers go with them on behalf of all in the parish and the wider community who “Support Cambodia”. Thanks again for your generosity.
We in turn wish the group a beneficial and enjoyable trip – our prayers go with them. A big THANK YOU to Katie and Bob for the tremendous effort and amount of time they have given to raising funds to help our twinned parish. For news, pictures, videos etc http://www.banteaymeancheychurch.wordpress.com
HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE especially for the Year of Faith, taking place on 14th to 21st October 2013 with flights from/to Luton and Manchester. £1,300 per person, half-board sharing a twin room. £200 supplement for single rooms. Deposit/Booking Form by 14th January 2013.
PARISH FETE 2013 Meeting to be held on Thursday 24th January at 7pm in the Presbytery. Anyone interested in helping but not able to attend please contact Angela on 01263 833223.
LEARING TOGETHER On Saturday 26th January Mgr Tony Rogers, former Secretary to the Liturgy Office (Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales, regular contributor to BBC religious broadcasting, examines the Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium. At St Mary’s Parish Hall, 322 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich IP4 4BD. See leaflet.
BURNS NIGHT SUPPER – Come and help raise funds for Group 111 HCPT (who take disabled children to Lourdes at Easter 2013) by enjoying a superb evening out – three course meal, half bottle of wine pp., dancing and music in our parish hall on Saturday 26th January. 7.00 for 7.30pm. Tickets £20 each, available from Teresa Butler on 01692 405007 or 07901 830327.
KESWICK HALL LECTURE at the Thomas Paine Study Centre UEA on “Compassion: nice idea or urgent global imperative?” by Karen Armstrong – highly recommended. Thurs 31st Jan. at 7pm. Admission free. Anyone planning to go please contact Presbytery office. See fliers for further information.
Michael Fogarty and family would like to thank everyone for their support over the past months and especially for their prayers and presence at Mary’s Funeral Mass.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Ben Bianco, Kathleen Anne Holdstock, Romano Pagani, Dorothy Nonna Henderson, Rosemary Semple, Joana Maria Auckland and Henry Raymond Newsham. May they rest in peace. Amen.