A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS. You are welcome to join our parishioners for coffee after Mass. You may like to use a “one off” gift-aid envelope for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
HOLY WEEK and THE TRIDUUM Please keep leaflet of times of services over Holy Week/Easter handy. For those who missed last week’s insert there are extra copies in the porch. We should really make every effort to join our Community for the three great liturgies of this week: Maundy Thursday at 7.00pm; Good Friday at 3.00pm and the Easter Vigil & First Mass of Easter at 8.30pm – which really is the high point of the whole week. We hope for a full church at each of these Liturgies.
If you were away last week then you also missed Fr David’s personal message to the parish about his move in May. Copies are at the back of church.
N.B. The Morning Mass for Monday has had to be cancelled – many apologies.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP – no meeting on Monday 14th: meetings will resume on Monday 28th April after the Easter break.
HOLY WEEK CHOIR PRACTICE The final of these practices will take place on Monday 14th April at 7.00pm at North Walsham. Do come along.
N.B. There is no 12noon Confessions next Saturday, nor the 5.30pm Mass at St Helen’s, Hoveton in the evening.
ALTAR SERVERS from the three churches are welcome to serve at the Holy Week Services in North Walsham. Please bring your alb if possible.
CHRISM MASS at St John’s Cathedral on Wednesday 16th April (Holy Week) is at 7.30pm. The coach leaves our churches at the following times: 5.15pm from Aylsham; 5.35pm from North Walsham and 5.50pm from Hoveton. PLEASE BE PUNCTUAL as it will not be able to wait for those yet to arrive. Your £4 will be taken as you get on the coach. Please remember only Blue Badge holders (with their badges) may park at the Cathedral and only a limited number of spaces will be available. Coach departs from the Cathedral at approximately 9.45pm.
THE COLLECTION on Easter Sunday (including the Easter Vigil on Saturday evening) is personal to Fr David. Please keep all general contributions for the parish until the following week.
HOLY WEEK Have you signed up to have your feet washed on Maundy Thursday? Also Readers & Ministers of Holy Communion required. Many thanks.
CONFESSIONS – the final opportunity before Easter is on Maundy Thursday (17th)following Morning Prayer until 10.15am.
CHILDREN’S SERVICES – On Maundy Thursday a Service at 3.00pm and on Good Friday at 11.30am there is a special inter-active Service, both are held in the church at North Walsham and wont be very long. Do bring the children.
LENTEN ALMS: Remember there is a special collection plate/bucket/wall slot at each of the churches to receive any contributions.
BLESSING OF FOOD will take place at 2.00pm next Saturday in North Walsham. This is a custom of the Polish community who come to have the food for Easter Sunday blessed; but anyone else is very welcome to come along.
LOURDES INTENTIONS Fr David (and other members of HCPT) going to Lourdes in Easter Week are happy to place any prayer intentions at the grotto. Please put them in an envelope (no money); to hand in by Easter Sunday 12noon.
WALSINGHAM: Don’t forget the Diocesan Pilgrimage on Bank Holiday Monday 5th May. We will be running a coach – lists to follow shortly.
ROOF CONCERT – St John of the Cross: to those who attended or supported the concert in any way, thank you very much. Tickets, raffle, teas and donations totalled £625. Donations to the fund are still welcome!
ASSISI PILGRIMAGES with the Secular Franciscan Order. First Pilgrimage: 4th – 11th June, flying Ryanair from Stanstead at 7am; price excludes air fare and booking asap before Easter is essential. Accomodation (full/half board) not payable until there: approx. half board 340 euros, full board 390 euros and decided on a day to day basis. Second Pilgrimage: 27th Aug – 3rd Sept. Cost: £420 excluding air fare, again Ryanair from Stanstead. For details on both these pilgrimages pl contact Rob Hardie on robhardie47@gmail.com or phone 01603 897609.
TEACHING POSTS – All Saints Inter-Church Academy, March, Cambs. require a Head Teacher from September 2014. For more information please visit the Diocesan Website: www.catholiceastanglia.org
St Laurence’s Catholic Primary School, Cambs. Head Teacher required for September 2014 or January 2015. For more information please visit the Diocesan Website: www.catholiceastanglia.org
NORTH WALSHAM 1914-2014 St Nicholas Church is holding an exhibition – “ A Hundred Years of North Walsham 1914-2014” and they have asked us to take part to which we have agreed. This is an appeal for photographs covering any of those years in the Sacred Heart Parish. We’d be very careful with them and return them. Please see Hilary Bolger for more details.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Eileen Codd, Mary Jones, Betty Hardy Paul, Joseph Thomas Clark, Mary Kathleen Turner, Mary McManus, Timothy Joseph Coppinger, Eric Hall and Mario Giovanni Vanzino.
May they rest in peace. Amen.