Dear Friends,
It is easy to be alarmed and worried about ‘wars and revolutions’ or natural disasters such as ’earthquakes and plagues and famines. Jesus puts all these in the context of faith: faith not in great buildings and political structures or even in the loyalty of friend and family, but in the abiding love of God who will ensure that ‘not a hair of your head will be lost’.
Next Friday the clergy of the deanery gather for a meeting in the hall followed by Mass at 12 noon in the church at North Walsham. Everyone is welcome to attend the Mass.
Journey in Faith. There will be a meeting for inquirers into the Catholic faith next Sunday in the presbytery at 5 pm. Spread the word among friends and anyone who might be interested.
Father James
After Mass today at the Sacred Heart everyone is invited to the hall for cake and coffee/tea for a very important event – to mark Doreen’s many years of musical service to the parish and convey our deepest gratitude.
Next Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King and Youth Day. There will be a retiring collection for the Diocesan Youth Service.
Please return to the church your Missio Red APF boxes.
The Senior Citizens’ Group (NW) meets on Monday 14th November. There will be our usual Computer Workshop, or crafts with coffee and a chat. At 2.00pm there will be the annual Service of Remembrance.
The “Walk with me” Advent 2016 booklet is now available in church porches, costing only (£1), taking us through each day’s liturgy throughout the coming Advent, accompanying the readings with reflections and prayers. Do take one.
Shoeboxes – Operation Christmas Child. This weekend 12th/13th November the boxes need be ready for collection from the church porch at North Walsham.
The ‘Instructions for my funeral’ leaflets are now in porches.
We pray for Kathleen Kelly recently deceased and remember her family and friends at this time. We pray also for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Charles (Tod) Holdstock, Paul McGee, Teresa Chapman, Teresa McKillop and Charles Pinder.
May they rest in peace.
Live Simply
The Reverse (early) Advent Calendar began two weeks ago and will finish on the weekend of 4th December so that the food can be distributed in time for Christmas. You can fill your own box or bring the items to church for the Food Bank.
Live Sustainably. This month we focus on saving water.
How about using a cup of glass when cleaning your teeth rather than running the tap?
- Try to have a 3 minute shower rather than a bath
- Collect rain water for your garden by fitting water butts to as many downpipes as possible
- Use a bucket of water to clean the car rather than the hose.
If you have suggestions about any aspect of living simply please put them in the box in each of our churches.