Dear Parishioners,
“When I die, God will not measure my head to see how clever I was; God will measure my heart to see how caring I was”.
The central theme of the readings is “The Day of the Lord” or the “Second Coming” of Jesus in glory, as judge, at the end of the world. The readings warn us about the final days of the world, our own death and the final judgement.
Jesus, my divine Master, may I be loyal to You even in minute details of my life.
Fr Peter
Today is World Day of the Poor also Remembrance Day – a minute’s silence will be observed at 11.00 am at the commencement of Mass at the Sacred Heart.
Next Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King, celebrated as Youth Day.
Faithful Flames Children’s Group meet in the parish hall at 10.30 am today, Sunday. This is for all children up to the age of 16 years.
Holy Hour & Eucharistic Adoration is on Thursdays at St Helen’s at 3pm – a time of quiet reflection, meditation and contemplation.
World Youth Sunday – November 20th 2022. As well as the diocese taking a group to the International World Youth Day in Portugal next summer, World Youth Sunday is when the global church recognises and celebrates young people. The Diocesan Youth Service is holding a special event at St. John’s Cathedral, Norwich. Everyone of secondary school age and upwards is welcome! Amongst other activities, there will be live music, inspiring talks and good food! See for more details.
First Holy Communion. We will be starting our new First Holy Communion classes at the beginning of December. Parents and children from the age of 7, wishing to register, please complete registration forms at the back of the church and hand them to Father Peter.
A House Mass will be held at 3pm on Tuesday 15th November at the home of Elaine and Michael Haughton: 12 Three Acre Close, Hoveton NR128QL. Tel. 01603 936641.
St Helen’s 4th Wednesday Club for senior citizens next takes place on 23rd November. We welcome our guests from 11.30am with tea, coffee & biscuits and an opportunity to chat and share our stories. A simple hot lunch is served around 12.30pm followed by further social activity until 2pm. We have now been running our successful friendship club for almost 14 years. New members always welcome; please leave a message on 01692 582418 if coming for the first time.
On Sunday 27th November at 4pm, the whole parish is warmly invited to join the Aylsham community for “Come Lord Jesus” – words, music, irrespective of faith or none, so please come….and bring your neighbours and friends along too.
Items for the newsletter. The parish office is now open on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays; as a consequence, inserts for the newsletter need to reach the office by Tuesday. Thank you.
Can you spare an hour in December? St Martin’s Housing Trust are looking for volunteers to help people build a better life in Norwich and Norfolk. If you can spare an hour in December please contact or tel. 01603 667707.
Minutes of the last meeting of the PPC are available online and hard copies are available at the back of the church.
Missio boxes. Please could you return your red boxes. Thank you.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Pat Durrant, Celia Cooper, Barbara Laws, Michael Haughton, Marie Barton.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Teresa Chapman, Carmel White, Arthur Beardshaw, Colin Griffiths and Teresa McKillop. May they rest in peace.