11th Week in Ordinary Time
Today we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi. The Eucharist is at the heart of our Catholic life – the gift of Jesus himself under the signs of bread and wine. It is on a day like this when we feel most keenly the present ‘eucharistic famine’. We look forward to the day when we can meet together for Sunday Mass.
The new parish website is now online and can be accessed at this address: http://sacredheartnorthwalsham.com/. There is a new page for you to make contact and to share your ideas and questions.
It is good news that we can open our churches for private prayer. Each of our three communities has drawn up days and times when they will be open. Stewards will be present to help and advise people when they arrive. Please do not enter the churches outside the following times:
Sacred Heart: Sundays (from 21st): 2-3 pm. Tuesdays 2-3 pm
St John of the Cross: Mondays 10-12 midday. Thursdays 2-4 pm
St Helen’s: Wednesdays 9-11am. Saturdays 5-7 pm
Marie-Madeleine Kenning from our diocese has recently produced a book on Cambodia: ‘Then the Khmer Rouge Came: Survivors’ Stories from Northwest Cambodia, a memoir’. It will be published at the end of June but you can pre-order a copy by contacting her on: mariemadeleinekenning@gmail.com
Remember to pray for Ian Roberts who died in hospital last week; also our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice, David Battigan, Graham Burdett and Mary Carr.
We remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Mary MacManus, Ewhen Repeckyj, Peter Kelly, Catherine Bateman, William Price, Angela Upton, Vera Phipps, Hugh Elliott, Margaret Price and Elizabeth Broom.
We have had to change the email address of the parish office. The new address is: rcnwalsham@gmail.com
Father James