“When one lives attached to money, pride or power, it is impossible to be truly happy.”
Today’s readings teach us that true happiness, or beatitude, lies in the awareness that we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father and that we will be happy only when we share our blessings with our brothers and sisters in need, and work to uplift them, thus declaring our “option for the poor,” as Jesus did. Contrary to popular belief, wealth, health, power, and influence are not the sources of true happiness. The word “beatitude” means “blessedness” in a double sense: both enjoying God’s favour and enjoying true or supreme happiness.
Fr. Peter.
This Sunday is Racial Justice Day and there will be a second collection for the Catholic Association for Racial Justice.
Day of Renewal event – “Don’t Forget the Holy Spirit” at St Laurence’s Church, 91 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1XB on Saturday
1 March, from 10am – 4pm. It is free but donations are welcome to help cover costs. Please bring a packed lunch; tea and coffee will be provided. No advance booking is required. For information contact Pam Smith at 07869 652115 or email renewaleastanglia@gmail.com
This year the Sacred Heart Church is hosting North Walsham Churches Together World Day of Prayer Service. The service is on Friday 7 March at 1.30pm in the church. We will need readers, singers, welcomers and tea-makers. If you would like to take part in the event, please speak to your CTNW reps: Tom Crehan, Sue Perrott or Chris White.
We do hope you are able to join us. Tom, Sue and Chris.
There will also be a World Day of Prayer service at St Helen’s Church, Hoveton, on 7 March at 10.30am. Please come and join in worship with fellow Christians from local churches.
There will be CPR & Defibrillator Training in the hall on Thursday 20 March, 2-4pm and 6-8pm. If you are interested, please enter your name on the list at the back of the church.
Assisted suicide committee bias.
Committee stage of Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide Bill has begun, raising serious concerns about its conduct.
The Committee has been ‘stacked’ with a higher number of MPs who support the Bill
Nearly twice as many witnesses supported assisted suicide than the number who opposed it
Important voices have been excluded, including the Government’s chief Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisor, the British Geriatrics Society and a number of disability rights groups, senior palliative care doctors and legal experts with relevant expertise.
MPs must be aware of the serious issues in the scrutiny of Kim Leadbeater’s Bill. It’s vital they know your concerns and vote against it at Third Reading.
Please take action now and visit www.righttolife.org.uk/ASBillAction to write to your MP – it takes just 30 seconds!
The funeral of Angela Sandell will be held on Friday 7 March, at 12 noon, at St Joseph’s Church, Sheringham.
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will meet next on Tuesday, 4 March at the Sacred Heart Presbytery. If there are any matters parishioners would like to raise, please speak to one of your church representatives, whose names can be found on your church notice board.
The Parish is holding a Quiz Night and Raffle on Saturday 22 March and we are in need of Raffle prize donations. Please bring and leave at the back of your church. More details of the event to follow.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Margaret Larkins, Maria Halsey, Joan Macnamara, Richard Skelton, Teresa Fitzmaurice, Joan Gale, Bernadette Saunders, Doreen Rockey & daughter Sandra, Pam Thornton, Inge O’ Toole, Mary Long, Mary Cockburn, Malcolm Akers, Frances Mack, Tony & Amy Heywood and Peter.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Edward Brown, Kathleen McBride, Marjory Lawrence, Betty Allain, Roy Copperwheat, Robert Cockrill, May they rest in peace.