Dear Friends,
Today’s feast, the Ascension of the Lord, is part of what we call the Easter Mystery. This time between Easter and Pentecost is a time of transition when the risen Jesus vanishes from the sight of his disciples only to open up a new way of relating to them. His invisible presence will become more intense in depth and extent in a way that would have been impossible had his former bodily presence continued.
There is a kind of parallel here with the life and death of Archbishop Oscar Romero. During his lifetime he championed the rights of the poor in El Salvador. For this he met a violent opposition which brought about his death: he was shot dead while celebrating Mass in 1980. Since then his presence and example have inspired many to continue his work and adopt his priorities, including Bishop Michael. So it is good news that Oscar Romero will be beatified by the Church on Saturday, 23rd May, the Vigil of Pentecost.
The Annual Supper and Meeting of the whole parish will take place at North Walsham on Monday, 18th May at 7.00 pm. Every member of the parish is invited. We need to have some idea of numbers for the meal so please add your name to the list. Father Sean Connolly will speak to us about the New Evangelisation during the meeting.
Donations for the Organ Fund continue to come in. 6 stops are already paid for but donations can be any size! So far we have collected nearly £8,000.
God bless you all,
Father James
Gardening tip: The best way to ensure that you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily it is a valuable plant.
Today is World Communications Day. There is a 2nd Collection for the Catholic Communications Network. We are asked if donating by cheque to please make it payable to the parish.
Rosary is said: at 10.30am – N Walsham; 8.30am – Aylsham, – Hoveton.
Senior Citizens Group (NW) meets 18th: AM Computer Workshop; PM A visit from Neil Storey, a local historian.
Forum at St Helen’s on Saturday 23rd May following the Mass.
Minutes of the PPC Meeting held on 17th February are now on the parish website and church noticeboards.
Our Parish Summer Fete is on Sunday 5th July so it is now that we have to start thinking about how we can contribute to the various stalls in order to raise the biggest amount possible – we’re good at this, aren’t we? Please note what is needed from the insert and see if you can help.
A Celebration Mass for Marriage and Family Life is on Saturday 20th June at 10.30 am at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist, Norwich. A buffet lunch reception will follow the Mass. For information and to RSVP, please contact Kerry Urdzik on 01473 2511301 or go to
The annual (30th) Children’s Pilgrimage to Walsingham is on Tuesday 26th May, during the school half-term holiday.
Mission Team Vacancy are now looking for one more person to complete their full-time Diocesan Mission Team. Could this be you? If you are age 18-29 and interested in working with young people, please see for more information. This is a residential position.
Come to Celebrate East Anglia 30-31 May in Bury St Edmunds Go to click on “Celebrate Weekends” & East Anglia.
We pray for Alan Dorsett from Hoveton who died last Tuesday: also for those whose anniversaries occur during this week including: Terence Gigli, John McGuinn, Jean Margaret Gradon-Carter, Mary Sparks, Winifred (Win) Armes, Elizabeth Rosemary Walmsley, John Hewell and Teresa Gray.
May they rest in peace.