A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS: we hope you have a very enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. “One off” gift envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
There is no Children’s Liturgy until September
NB Bank Holiday Monday (26th) Mass will be at 10.00am.
RIVERSIDE SERVICE – Songs of Praise (arranged by the local churches Together) is at Hoveton Staithe TODAY Sunday 25th August at 3.30pm. Do come along to boost our Christian witness. This is a Service to which you can invite family & friends to come along. If it rains the service will move to St Helen’s.
ST HELEN’S 4TH WEDNESDAY CLUB There is no meeting during August.
ST HELEN’S HARVEST SUPPER is on Monday 7th October: tickets will be on sale from Saturday 31st August and will cost £5.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA Gift Cards will be on sale again this weekend 24th/25th August at each church after Mass. At £5, £10 or £15; it’s a different gift for birthdays, anniversaries etc and one that really makes a difference.
DOWRY OF MARY PILGRIMAGE to Walsingham is on Sunday 8th Sept led by Rt Rev’nd Keith Newton; preacher Rt Rev’nd Abbot Joseph Delargy (retired Abbot of Mount St Bernard’s Abbey). At 11.30am Reception of Flags; 12noon Mass; 3.15pm Procession to Priory Grounds for Benediction & Prayers at the Original Shrine Site. This has become one of the largest pilgrimages of the year and truly reflects the multicultural nature of our country and diocese. Do come along.
“ECUMENICAL CENTERING” prayer meetings re-commence on Tuesday 3rd September at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham, 2-3.30pm (01692 402398) and alternate Tuesdays thereafter. All are welcome.
REFLECTION DAY for Readers & Eucharistic Ministers is on Saturday 7th September in the Parish Church Hall from 10.30am and finishing by 3.30pm. Please bring a packed lunch. We will reflect on the Word of God in Vatican II and how the Old and New Testaments relate to each other. All Readers and Eucharistic Ministers are expected to attend. Other parishioners interested are welcome to attend the morning session, 10.30am -12.45pm. Further information from John Bolger on 01692 581516.
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Don’t forget we have a support group that can be reached either by phoning 07501 265779 or via email pssacredheart@outlook.com
CATHOLIC PAPERS (monthly & weekly) available at the back of the church.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA: Father Rajat, Parish Priest of our twin parish of Svay Sisophon, will be visiting the UK from 1st-20th September, staying in the parish until 14th September. The Support Cambodia Bingo Night, (originally scheduled for14th September) will now be held on FRIDAY 13th September @ 7pm in the Parish Hall. This fund-raising event will be combined with a ’farewell’ reception for Father Rajat. Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be served but those coming are asked to bring a plate to share. Please sign the lists at the back of each of our churches so we have an idea of numbers. Further details will be announced but please put the date in your diary. Sale of Cambodian Crafts, Gift Cards and Raffle.
FR ROBERT BARRON’S DVD “CATHOLICISM” In response to Deacon Ron’s appeal that a further opportunity to “travel” this beautiful journey through the 10 DVDs should be made available to the wider parish, Terry and Janet McIlwee have kindly offered to host the showing of the first DVD on Monday 23rd September at 2.30pm at 11 Hartwell Rd. Wroxham, NR12 8TL. Tel no. 01603 782 414. Do take advantage of this opportunity to experience it.
TRIP TO KENYA Lauren Thorpe has recently returned from a wonderful and rewarding trip to Kenya. She is extremely grateful for the financial help she received from the parish and for the experience she gained. Photos and her letter of thanks are on church notice boards.
OPEN MORNING at New Hall School, Chelmsford takes place on Saturday 28th September from 9.00am – 12.00noon. The school is an independent boarding/day school consisting of Preparatory & Senior School plus Sixth Form (for boys & girls aged from 3-18yrs) with a “Catholic foundation and ethos, welcoming all”. Book for the Open Morning by going to newhallschool.co.uk or email registrar@newhallschool.co.uk or telephone 01245 236098. See fliers for more details.
Future dates for your diary:
PRO-LIFE PILGRIMAGE to Walsingham, led by Bishop John Sherrington: Sunday 22nd September.
INVOCATION – St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham on Saturday 12th October. Again this is for young people particularly thinking about their lives and what God may be saying to them. See Poster in the Porch for more details.
ACT Aylsham & District Care Trust’s Annual Celebration Service – Sunday 15th September at 3pm at the ACT Centre. Please see poster for details.
Parish “QUIET DAY” on Saturday 12th October – details to come.
We pray all those who anniversaries are at this time including: Christine Miller and Leokadia Francisca Lloyd, May they rest in peace. Amen.
A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS: we hope you have a very enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. “One off” gift envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
There is no Children’s Liturgy until September
MEMORIAL MASS in the Garden of Remembrance at North Walsham takes place this Wednesday (21st) at 6.00pm. All are welcome to come to remember in prayer those who are buried there. If it should be raining Mass will be held in the church.
RIVERSIDE SERVICE – Songs of Praise (arranged by the local churches) is at Hoveton Staithe next Sunday 25th August – Bank Holiday weekend) at 3.30pm. Do come along and boost our Christian witness. This is a Service to which you can invite family and friends to come along. If it rains the service will move to St Helen’s.
ST HELEN’S 4TH WEDNESDAY CLUB There is no meeting during August.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA Gift Cards will be on sale the next weekend 24th/25th August at each church after Mass. At £5, £10 or £15; it’s a different gift for birthdays, anniversaries etc and one that really makes a difference.
DOWRY OF MARY PILGRIMAGE to Walsingham is on Sunday 8th September led by Rt Rev’nd Keith Newton, preacher Rt Rev’nd Abbot Joseph Delargy. At 11.30am Reception of Flags; 12noon Mass; 3.15pm Procession to Priory Grpounds for Benediction & Prayers at the Original Shrine Site. This has become one of the largest pilgrimages of the year and truly reflects the multicultural nature of our country and diocese. Do come along.
PRAYER INTENTION BOOK Don’t forget there is one by the Lady Chapel in the Sacred Heart Church, North Walsham. Please feel free to add your intentions. It is usually placed on the altar at our Saturday morning Mass.
MASS INTENTIONS – please give as much notice as possible when you are requesting a particular day. Envelopes are at the back of the church: please complete one when giving in your Intention.
UNABLE TO GET TO MASS Please remember to let Fr David know if you are ill and unable to get to Mass for a period of time, also if you know of anyone else who has been unable to get to Mass, so that Holy Communion may be taken: please check with them first.
ARE YOU NEW TO THE PARISH (or have moved within the parish)? Then do give your details to Fr David.
YOUTH 2000 a FESTIVAL entitled “Kingdom Come” for young Adults at Walsingham 22-26th August. There are some cards at the back of the church giving more details. It is well worth going along – a great time of deepening one’s faith and celebrating with Catholics from all over the Country and beyond.
THE BIBLE GROUP in North Walsham put aside their Bibles to spend ten sessions with Fr Robert Barron and his DVDs called “Catholicism, A Journey to the Heart of the Faith”. Those attending were greatly inspired (ask them!). It is now hoped that this programme can be moved to both Aylsham and Hoveton (a television with DVD facility is needed). We feel that the opportunity to experience this outstanding and beautiful journey should be taken up by as many as possible. Please contact Deacon Ron, after Mass at Hoveton and Aylsham, if you would like to attend the sessions.
OPEN MORNING at New Hall School, Chelmsford takes place on Saturday 28th September from 9.00am – 12.00noon. The school is an independent boarding/day school consisting of Preparatory & Senior School plus Sixth Form (for boys & girls aged from 3-18yrs) with a “Catholic foundation and ethos, welcoming all”. Book for the Open Morning by going to newhallschool.co.uk or email registrar@newhallschool.co.uk or telephone 01245 236098. See fliers for more details.
A REMINDER to all who organise parish events. In order to avoid clashes, please make sure your dates are on the Parish Website Calendar. This should be done via either Clare Hardie 01603 897609 email robclarehardie@aol.com or Antonia at the Parish Office on 01692 403258 – sacredheart@computer-assist.net
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Don’t forget we have a support group that can be reached either by phoning 07501 265779 or via email
Future dates for your diary:
INVOCATION – St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham on Saturday 12th October. Again this is for young people particularly thinking about their lives and what God may be saying to them. See Poster in the Porch for more details.
CATHOLIC PAPERS (monthly &weekly) available at the back of the church.
WINNER of the 150 Club for July was Mary Owen from Aylesham.
We pray all those who anniversaries are at this time including: Hilda May Howard, Audrey Barnes and George Frederick Joseph Mayer.
May they rest in peace. Amen.