A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS. Thank you for joining us for our Mass, we hope you are enjoying your stay in Norfolk. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (in Aylsham and North Walsham). Our visitors may like to use one of the “one off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
We welcome and thank Fr Peter Brown for presiding at our Masses both this and next weekend.
Today there is a 2nd Collection for Pax Christi. This is a special Day of Prayer for Peace.
CONGRATULATIONS to Archbishop Vincent Nichols on his appointment to be made Cardinal at the Vatican on 22nd February. He has asked us to pray for him.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets on Monday 20th January: am Computer Workshop; pm AGM: Part 2.
ST HELEN’S HOVETON 4TH WEDNESDAY CLUB for senior citizens next meets on 22nd January. We will be having our Christmastide party; quizzes, games and sing-a-long. There will be morning coffee, a hot lunch and finishing with tea and cake. All over 60s welcome. This year the recipients of our donations were; Chatterbox – newspaper for the blind; The Benjamin Foundation – helping local young homeless; The Walcot Flood Appeal and Support Cambodia. Each received £50.
JOURNEY INTO FAITH Group meets on Wednesday 22nd at 2.30pm.
BIBLE GROUP will next be meeting on Friday 24th at 2.30 – 4.00pm in the parish hall, using the new series of DVDs on “The New Evangelisation” by Fr Robert Barron – a continuation of his book entitled “Catholicism”. New members welcome.
STALHAM AREA HOUSE MASS is now transferred from 17th January to Friday 7th February when it will be held at the home of Celia Cooper: Barnside, Stubb Road, Hickling, NR12 0YS. Tel. no. 01692 598667.
A WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY takes place from 18th to 25th January.
Please Note: the United Service in North Walsham on Sunday 19th January at the Methodist Church, Grammar School Road has had to be cancelled Many apologies.
At Aylsham: the United Service is on Sunday 26th January at the Jubilee Centre, Norwich Road at 4.00pm. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Prayer leaflets for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity are available at the back of the church.
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP – can be reached on 07501 265779 or pssacredheart@outlook.com
STUDY DAYS for the coming year have been organised by the Commission for Evangelisation. Copies of the programme are available in the porch outlining the nine study days across 2014 to be held in three centres – Newmarket, Peterborough and Poringland: On Saturday 25th January John Morrill will speak on English Catholic spirituality: what can we learn from the penal times? (Pastoral Ctre, Poringland). There are also a series of Lenten Lectures held in conjunction with the Catholic chaplaincy at the University of East Anglia.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA Please keep Fr David and our group in your prayers whilst they are over in Cambodia, visiting Svay Sisophon and other areas.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING PRAYER MEETINGS are fortnightly on Tuesdays: next meeting 28th January at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham at 2-3pm. All welcome. Tel. no. 01692 402398.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK with LITURGICAL CALENDAR (Ordo) 2014 is now available in the church porch at the SPECIAL OFFER price of £3.00 – a very useful booklet, listing Feast/Saints Days and information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
BISHOP ALAN INVITES YOU to join him in a Mass for the Sick at St John’s Cathedral, in a Celebration of our Lady of Lourdes: this will include the Sacrament of Anointing. It is on Saturday 15th February 2014 at 12noon. We could run a coach if there are enough takers. PLEASE SIGN the list in the porch if you are interested in travelling by coach. THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE NOW, if we are to access numbers wishing to travel and book the coach.
N.B. Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes on 22-29 Aug 2014.
NEW POST IN THE DIOCESE The diocese is looking to appoint a Marriage & Family Life Coordintor to oversee and build up its work in this important area. Up to 20 hours per week (opportunity for job-share available), working from home and around the diocese. Remuneration £13 per hour. For further details please email mflc.eastanglia@yahoo.co.uk or telephone 01508 492202. Deadline for applcations Friday 14th February.
CYCLE OF PRAYER (January): For Peace and Christian Unity.
We pray for Constance Keeble, of 95 years, who died on Friday 10th January: her funeral service will be at St Helen’s, Hoveton, on Thursday 23rd at 12noon. We remember her family and friends in prayer. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Henry Raymond Newsham, Grace Lydia Edith Wood, Annunziata (Joyce) Cockrill, Dorothy Elsie Pearce, Gregory Noble and Jacqueline Denise Beardshaw.
May they rest in peace. Amen.