Dear Parishioners,
“’Repent and believe in the Gospel’ or ‘Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.’”
It is not long ago that we celebrated Christmas and now this week we begin Lent on Ash Wednesday in preparation for the celebration of Easter. We commence on Ash Wednesday our 40-days spiritual pilgrimage – symbolized by receiving ashes on the forehead. Lent is a “penitential time” that allows us to better prepare to “enter into the mystery” of Holy Week which begins on Palm Sunday and reflect on the final period of Christ’s life on earth, including the last supper, Christ’s crucifixion and His resurrection, which is celebrated at Easter.
Lent is a time for us to fast and to pray and to perform works of charity. These will open our hearts to a God who loves. Let us embrace this time with open hearts to draw closer to God and strengthen our spiritual lives. It’s not so much what we give up – as many parishioners abstain from alcohol, sweets or other treats or pleasure during Lent. Instead, it’s really about “giving more time to God, inviting Him to come into our hearts and transform us.” Then, we can say at Easter, ‘He is truly Risen!’
Fr Peter
Today is a Day of Prayer for the Unemployed.
Ash Wednesday This Wednesday is a Holy Day of Obligation, a day of fasting and abstinence and the start of Lent. Please see back page for Mass times.
Stations of the Cross will take place in each of our churches during Lent. Times are on the back page.
Fr Peter would be grateful if parishioners who have Foundation Masses, arranged annually in our parish, could please contact the parish office (email or by phone) or inform him directly of the details.
‘Walk with Me’ – a Lenten Journey of Prayer, is an excellent little book for daily reflections throughout Lent. Available from the back of the church at just £1.
Rite of Election in the Cathedral is at 3.30pm on Sunday 26th February, 1st Sunday of Lent. Please pray for our Catechumens.
St Helen’s 4th Wednesday Club next meets on 22nd February. Coffee/tea/biscuits are served from 11.30am followed by chat and sharing our stories. A simple hot lunch is served at around 12.30pm with further social interaction. We finish at 2pm. New members are always welcome; just leave a message by Monday 20th February if you are coming for the first time. 01692 5882418
A meeting of the PPC (Parish Pastoral Council) will be held on Tuesday 28th February at St John of the Cross, to start at 7.30pm. Any points that parishioners would like raised please speak to one of your representatives – names on notice boards in each church.
A House Mass will be held at the home of Janet & Terry McIlwee at 11 Hartwell Road, Wroxham, NR12 8TL on Thursday 2nd March at 3pm.
Looking ahead, CAFOD has a special Lent Family Fast Day on 3rd March, which coincides with World Day of Prayer. Gift Aid envelopes will be available in our church porches.
Fundraising event towards World Day Youth – Saturday 25th February, Kerry and Lauren invite all the ladies of the parish to take a little time for themselves to join them for a pamper afternoon 2pm till 4pm. £5 entry fee gets you a little gift, a hot drink voucher & a free facial or massage. Proceeds go to World Youth Day. Bodycare products, raffle tickets and cakes will be available to purchase too.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Pat Durrant, Celia Cooper, Michael Haughton, Marie Barton, Gerry Francis, Robert Buhagiar and Alf and Margaret Larkins.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Iris McGee, Denis Walker, Betty Allain, Gerald Hearne, Roy Copperwheat, Robert (Bob) Cockrill, Michael McCann, Edith (Rusty) Collins, Michael Fogarty, Eileen Clarke, Monica Hardingham, Kathleen McBride and James Bradley
May they rest in peace.