Today’s Gospel tells the story of the wedding feast at Cana. A domestic crisis – the shortage of wine – provides the context to the first miracles that were part of the ministry of Jesus. In this homely setting something important is happening. Jesus is prompted by his mother to respond to the need of the moment and save the newly married couple from social embarrassment. The result is one hundred and twenty gallons of quality wine – enough for a celebration that would have lasted up to a week.
Points to remember: the role of Our Lady on this occasion, the superabundance of the miracle, the significance of the words ‘my hour has not yet come’, the revelation of the ‘glory’ of Jesus and the response of his disciples who ‘believed in him’.
Fr James
A Pastoral Questionnaire, (mentioned earlier) is about the future of the Diocese and is available to read here along with a discussion paper.
Inviting all young people in Year 9 and above to ‘Flame’ at Wembley Arena. The Diocesan Youth service is excited to be taking a group to ‘Flame’ on 15th March. Flame is the largest Catholic gathering of young people in the UK, coming together to experience the best in international speakers, artists and performers. It is a vibrant experience of young Church, concluding with Adoration led by most of the Bishops of England and Wales. For details and to book a ticket and place on the coach, please see Bookings must be received by 9th February.
Pilgrimage to Rome to celebrate the Jubilee of Youth – 28th July to 3rd August 2025. For details see Although there are now a very limited number of places left, with the chance of a cancellation, anyone still interested in joining the pilgrimage should contact Hamish MacQueen, Director of the Diocesan Youth Service – his email address is For all other information please go to the website (see above) or email the East Anglia Youth Service –
The Friends of St Francis will next meet at 2.30pm on Sunday, 2nd February. The venue is St Boniface Church, Brabazon Road, Hellesden, NR6 6SY. All are welcome.
Important new procedure for counters in our three churches. Please see details placed in your church safe.
This is the last weekend for receiving donations towards the new defibrillator. Thank you for your contributions.
Enrollment of Altar Servers continues this Sunday and next when our altar servers at the Sacred Heart Church will be enrolled in the Archconfraternity of Saint Stephen (the altar servers’ guild). Congratulations are due and thanks for their loyal service.
The Minutes of the PPC meeting held on 10th December 2024 are now available to read on the Parish website. ‘Amended’ Minutes of that meeting are available in church porches.
Please note: There will not be a coffee morning at St Helen’s in February. The next one will be on Wed 5th March 2025.
Paul Gallagher, 83, died peacefully on Sunday 12th January in the local hospital in Easingwold, N Yorks, with his wife Sheilah and two sons, Rob and Alasdair by his side. Paul helped at St Helen’s for many years including altar boy duties and both boys remember their First Holy Communions with Fr Tony and the church community fondly. (Written by Alasdair)
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Maria Halsey, Joan Macnamara, Richard Skelton, Teresa Fitzmaurice, Joan Gale, Bernadette Saunders, Doreen Rockey & daughter Sandra, Pam Thornton, Inge O’ Toole, Mary Long, Mary Cockburn, Malcolm Akers & Frances Mack; & others who are sick.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur this week: Michael Booth, Grace Wood, Mark Gibbons, Dorothy Pearce, Ruth Flood and Jacqueline Beardshaw.
May they rest in peace.