Dear Friends,
In today’s 1st reading David refuses to strike Saul, the Lord’s anointed because to do so would be to strike out at God. Today’s Gospel takes this attitude further. ‘Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you’. The words of Jesus go much further than the Law, even what seems reasonable. He is saying that we should treat each other as God treats us, imitating God’s kindness.
We have seven young people who have signed up for the Confirmation course so far but there is room for more! It will be led by Ginny Keane who is our parish catechist. Enrolment forms can be found in each of our churches. Please take one, fill it in and let me have it as soon as possible.
Father James
The Journey in Faith group will meet today, Sunday, at the presbytery at 6 pm.
Next Sunday is a Day of Prayer for the Unemployed..
The diocesan youth service is starting to plan for the next World Youth Day in Lisbon in 2023. Young people who will then be 16+ are invited to join millions of other young people from around the world. There will be a meeting at Newmarket on 13th March for anyone who is interested.
Just a reminder that every Sunday from 10.30 am Faithful Flames Children’s Group will be running in the parish hall at the Sacred Heart for all children up to the age of 16. Would be great to see you! Kerry – 0750 4048352.
Holy Hour & Eucharistic Adoration is on Thursdays at St Helen’s, at 3pm – a time for quiet reflection, meditation and contemplation.
St Helen’s 4th Wednesday Club for senior citizens next meets on 23rd February. Coffee served from 11am, a simple hot lunch at 12.30pm, followed by a free raffle, games and social activities, finishing around 3.30pm with tea and cake. You are welcome to come for any part of the day, or stay all day. All this for £2.50. If coming for the first time, please leave a message on 01692 582418 by Tuesday 22nd February; thank you.
Paston Pop-In Community Café Paston students will be serving tea/coffee, cakes and light snacks in the Sacred Heart Hall on Thursday 24th February from 10-11.30am. Donations to cover costs. See poster for more café dates and details.
Churches Together North Walsham Lenten Lunches are back! Served at different churches at 12.30pm on Thursdays beginning 10th March. Proceeds for Christian Aid. See poster for dates, venues and speakers. All welcome.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton and Patricia Newton.
We pray for Rita Kerrison who died recently and those whose anniversaries occur this week: Denis Walker, Betty Allain, Gerald Hearne, Roy Copperwheat, Robert (Bob) Cockrill, Michael McCann, Edith (Rusty) Collins, Michael Fogarty, Maryn (Eileen) Clarke and Monica Hardingham. May they rest in peace.