A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS Thank you for joining us for our Mass, we hope you are enjoying your stay in Norfolk. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham:there will however be light refreshments after the 5.30pm Mass this Saturday, 19th, for the visit of the Catenian Association following their Mass for Vocations ).
Today is Peace Day and there is a 2nd collection for Pax Christi. It is also the Sunday within the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Next Sunday is Education Sunday and there will be a 2nd collection for the Catholic Education Service.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is now available in the church porch at the special price of just £1.00. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY (18th – 25th January). The following Unity Services are taking place within our parish. Please try to support your local one. They are all on this Sunday, 20th. AYLSHAM: Unfortunately, this has been cancelled. N. WALSHAM: at the Salvation Army at 3.00pm. HOVETON/WROXHAM: at St Mary’s Hall, Wroxham at 4.30pm (to bring food for a shared tea – but not too much!).
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP Monday 21st . Am – informal (computer workshop cancelled due to illness); pm – AGM and planning meeting. Weather permitting.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL meets on Tuesday 29th January at 7.15 for 7.30pm in the Committee Room (Parish Hall).
ST HELEN’S 4TH WEDNESDAY CLUB for senior citizens next meets 23rd January. This will be our Christmas party and we will have home-spun entertainment, games and quizzes. As usual, coffee and biscuits are served from 11.30am, lunch is at 12.30pm and tea and cake is at 4pm. The charge is £2.00 each and there will be a free raffle. All over are 60’s welcome to join us in friendship and community.
This year we have welcomed new members and as we approach our fourth anniversary the club is thriving. This year our members filled 8 shoe boxes for the Christmas Child Appeal and were able to donate £50.00 each to the following charities: the Buckingham Food Appeal, Support Cambodia, Macular Degeneration Society and The Samaritans – we also donated £25 to the St Helen’s spiritual lending library.
DIOCESAN YEAR & LITURGICAL CALENDAR 2013 books are available in the porch: cost £3 – (50p reduction on the cover price); a very useful booklet listing Feast/Saints Days, information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: – Don’t forget to let Fr David know if there is anyone missing from Mass over a period of weeks and who would like Holy Communion.
CAMBODIA VISIT John Bolger leaves on Monday for his trip to Cambodia. We wish him a spiritually rewarding and enjoyable trip and our prayers.
HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE especially for the Year of Faith, taking place on 14th to 21st October 2013 with flights from/to Luton and Manchester. £1,300 per person, half-board sharing a twin room. £200 supplement for single rooms. Deposit/Booking Form by 14th January 2013.
PARISH FETE 2013 Meeting – Thursday 24th January, 7pm in the Presbytery. If unable to attend please contact Angela on 01263 833223.
LEARING TOGETHER On Saturday 26th January Mgr Tony Rogers, former Secretary to the Liturgy Office (Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales, regular contributor to BBC religious broadcasting, examines the Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium). At St Mary’s Parish Hall, 322 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich IP4 4BD. See leaflet.
BURNS NIGHT SUPPER – Come and help raise funds for Group 111 HCPT (who take disabled children to Lourdes at Easter 2013) by enjoying a superb evening out – three course meal, half bottle of wine pp., dancing and music in our parish hall on Saturday 26th January. 7.00 for 7.30pm. Tickets £20 each, available from Teresa Butler on 01692 405007 or 07901 830327.
TABLE TOP SALE Aylsham market place on Saturday 2nd February to raise funds for Amelia’s pilgrimage to Lourdes at Easter with HCPT. If you are able to make any donations ie. cakes, produce or plants please contact 01263 734853 or clareglenn@ymail.com Thank you, please do visit if you can support.
KESWICK HALL LECTURE at the Thomas Paine Study Centre UEA on “Compassion: nice idea or urgent global imperative?” by Karen Armstrong – highly recommended. Thurs 31st Jan. at 7pm. Admission free. Anyone planning to go please contact Presbytery office. See fliers for further information.
CAFOD Diocesan Manager: following John Malley’s retirement, CAFOD is looking for a new Diocesan Manager for the East Anglia Diocese. This is a 1 year fixed term opportunity with responsibility for recruiting and managing volunteers and managing East Anglia’s CAFOD Diocesan Office; representing and promoting CAFOD locally and delivering CAFOD’s plan across the Diocese. The post is located in Norwich. For full details please see: www.cafod.org.uk/jobs and follow the link to UK Jobs.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Grace Lydua Edith Wood, Annunziata (Joyce) Cockrill, Dorothy Elsie Pearce, Gregory Noble and Jacqueline Denise Beardshaw. May they rest in peace. Amen.
CAMBODIA VISIT John Bolger leaves on Monday for his trip to Cambodia. We wish him a spiritually rewarding and enjoyable trip and our prayers.
HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE especially for the Year of Faith, taking place on 14th to 21st October 2013 with flights from/to Luton and Manchester. £1,300 per person, half-board sharing a twin room. £200 supplement for single rooms. Deposit/Booking Form by 14th January 2013.
PARISH FETE 2013 Meeting – Thursday 24th January, 7pm in the Presbytery. If unable to attend please contact Angela on 01263 833223.
LEARING TOGETHER On Saturday 26th January Mgr Tony Rogers, former Secretary to the Liturgy Office (Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales, regular contributor to BBC religious broadcasting, examines the Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium). At St Mary’s Parish Hall, 322 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich IP4 4BD. See leaflet.
BURNS NIGHT SUPPER – Come and help raise funds for Group 111 HCPT (who take disabled children to Lourdes at Easter 2013) by enjoying a superb evening out – three course meal, half bottle of wine pp., dancing and music in our parish hall on Saturday 26th January. 7.00 for 7.30pm. Tickets £20 each, available from Teresa Butler on 01692 405007 or 07901 830327.
TABLE TOP SALE Aylsham market place on Saturday 2nd February to raise funds for Amelia’s pilgrimage to Lourdes at Easter with HCPT. If you are able to make any donations ie. cakes, produce or plants please contact 01263 734853 or clareglenn@ymail.com Thank you, please do visit if you can support.
KESWICK HALL LECTURE at the Thomas Paine Study Centre UEA on “Compassion: nice idea or urgent global imperative?” by Karen Armstrong – highly recommended. Thurs 31st Jan. at 7pm. Admission free. Anyone planning to go please contact Presbytery office. See fliers for further information.
CAFOD Diocesan Manager: following John Malley’s retirement, CAFOD is looking for a new Diocesan Manager for the East Anglia Diocese. This is a 1 year fixed term opportunity with responsibility for recruiting and managing volunteers and managing East Anglia’s CAFOD Diocesan Office; representing and promoting CAFOD locally and delivering CAFOD’s plan across the Diocese. The post is located in Norwich. For full details please see: www.cafod.org.uk/jobs and follow the link to UK Jobs.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Grace Lydua Edith Wood, Annunziata (Joyce) Cockrill, Dorothy Elsie Pearce, Gregory Noble and Jacqueline Denise Beardshaw. May they rest in peace. Amen.