“A willing heart is the first step in finding God’s will in our lives.”
The Christmas Season has ended and the Season of Lent is still some weeks off. We are once again in “Ordinary Time”, as it’s called, and the focus of the Scripture readings this Sunday is on God’s call and the choice we humans have to heed that call or ignore it. It’s always clear in Scripture that we are never forced by God, but lovingly invited to take up the invitation to be a follower of the Lord and to give ourselves to a life of love and service of God and neighbour.
In the first reading, Jonah hears God’s call and sets off for Nineveh. The psalm asks God to show us the path he desires for us. The second reading tells us that the world as we know it is passing away. The Gospel recounts Jesus’ call for repentance and the call of Simon Peter and Andrew.
Father Peter
Today is Sunday of the Word of God. Next Sunday is Racial Justice Day
The Parish Social Committee meets in the presbytery tomorrow, Monday 22nd at 7.30pm, principally to discuss the Parish Fete, which it is hoped will be held in the summer plus any forthcoming social gatherings that could take place when the hall is available. If you have ideas to put forward or wish to help at parish events or even just to know more about us, please join us. We would like to see parishioners from each of our churches.
Lectio Divina Group, starting at St John of the Cross on the first Monday of the month, 7-8pm. Lectio Divina is divine reading: “praying the scripture”. The group will read, meditate, pray & contemplate the following Sunday’s gospel with the aim of being led to personal encounter with God & increase in faith. The first meeting will be in St John of the Cross on Monday 5th February. Please contact Mary Wallace if you would like to attend – 077255 72142 or go to mary.wallace79@gmail.com
Please remember: the parish hall is still officially out of bounds.
Quiz Night at St John of the Cross, Aylsham, is on Saturday 27th January at 7pm. Tickets £5 each, maximum of 6 per table. All monies from ticket sales and a raffle will be donated to the Cromer Foodbank. To bring drinks & nibbles; teas & coffees available. Please contact Fran Ludden (text 07849 692227/email Fran.ludden@btinternet.com) to reserve your place.
What are Icons and how are they painted? St John of the Cross parishioner, Judith James will bring icons and give a talk on Friday 9th February (after the 9.30am Mass) about iconography and how they are painted. Tea & refreshments will be available before her talk.
Inviting young people, aged 16 – 30 to Transform For Lent. The Ignite Team are hosting a weekend retreat for young people at Clare Priory the weekend before Lent begins (10th – 11th February). Contemporary music, inspiring talks and passionate prayer times. Further information/ to book a place see www.rcdea.org.uk/youth. Hamish MacQueen, Director of Youth Service.
Elaine, Jenny and Stephen would like to say a special thank you for all the support and condolences received after Michael passed away. Also thanks to all who helped make his day so special.
The Parish has been thanked by the Salvation Army for our generous support towards their Christmas Present Appeal. They were able to help almost 200 local children who had been referred to them, giving out almost 1000 presents.
The Hub at Wroxham greatly appreciated the 22 Christmas hampers donated by the people of St Helens.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Robert Buhagiar, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Bert Pooler, Maria Halsey, Shirley Teague, Joan Macnamara, Richard Skelton, Teresa Fitzmaurice and Joan Gale.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this week: Dorothy Pearce, Ruth Flood, Jacqueline Beardshaw & Elizabeth Hammond. May they rest in peace.