Sacred Heart Parish Newsletter 12th Week in Ordinary Time 2020
The key word in today’s Gospel reading (Matthew 10:26-33) is witness. To be a witness is to ‘declare’ oneself for Gospel values rather than those of the world: to make a conscious choice to follow Christ as a disciple rather than the fashionable gods of our time. The most compelling witnesses throughout history (and in this age too) have been the martyrs – the word itself means ‘witness’. They show that the price of discipleship can be a high one.
The new parish website is now online and can be accessed at this address: There is a new page for you to make contact and to share your ideas and questions.
Each of our three communities has drawn up days and times when their churches will be open for private prayer. Stewards will be present to help and advise people when they arrive. Please do not enter the churches outside the following times:
Sacred Heart: Sundays (from 21st): 2-3 pm. Tuesdays 2-3 pm
St John of the Cross: Mondays 10-12 midday. Thursdays 2-4 pm
St Helen’s: Wednesdays 9-11am. Saturdays 5-7 pm
Remember to pray for all our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice, David Battigan, Graham Burdett and Mary Carr.
We remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time: David Dunne, Kathleen Elsdon, Mary Gurney, John Toner, Leonard Winfield, Nellie Howell, Philip Buller, Rose Diamond, Mary Gowing, Sheila Butler and Victor Kavanagh.
We have had to change the email address of the parish office. The new address is: My email address is still the same:
Father James