Dear Friends,
Today’s feast brings to a close the Church’s year with a celebration of the kingship of Christ. His kingdom is not in the manner of this world. His kingship is of one who is ‘like a son of man’, one who is ‘pierced’, one who is ‘handed over’ and one who bears witness to the truth.
Today I will be reading a letter from Bishop Alan inviting us to join the diocesan campaign ‘Alive in Faith’.
During Advent we will be taking part in Posada, an old Mexican tradition when young people dressed as Mary and Joseph travelled from house to house telling people about the arrival of Jesus. The modern version uses figures of Mary and Joseph which go from home to home in our parish staying for just one night. If you would like to take part please add your name to the list.
Father James
Quote: ‘A friend is a lot of things, but a critic he isn’t’. Bern Williams.
This Sunday there is a retiring collection for the Diocesan Youth Service, (it also being Youth Day): Gift-Aid envelopes for the Youth Service are available in the porch.
In the after-noon: Parents of children for 1st Communion preparation meet in the hall at 3pm.
Journey in Faith continues its course at 5pm also in the hall.
The Senior Citizens’ Group meets Monday (23rd) for Computer Workshop & chair exercises. PM there’s a Craft Fair (goods handcrafted by the group and items for Marianne’s Blue Stall. Proceeds to North Walsham Dementia Support Group. Light lunches from 12noon – 2pm. All are welcome.
The Bible Group meets on Friday 27th at 2.30pm in the parish hall, starting a journey with Thomas Merton on contemplative prayer.
Next Sunday afternoon – “Come, Lord Jesus”: Sung Evening Prayer to mark the start of the Advent season will take place at St John of the Cross, Aylsham at 4pm. The Aylsham community invites the whole parish to join them for this beautiful candlelit service, now in its 11th year. Please ask for (offer) lifts so all who wish may attend.
Support Cambodia: the Race Night last weekend raised £633.20 for Support Cambodia projects [uniform and water]. Huge thanks to all who contributed in any way to this splendid total.
Details of the charity’s Annual Appeal are in last week’s newsletter and on the parish website [Our Parish Twinning>Events]. Donations may be made at Sunday Masses up to 13th December or by post to Bob Maidment, Support Cambodia, 22/23 Regent Street, Wickmere, Norwich, NR11 7ND phone: 01263 577784. If you are a UK Taxpayer, please consider Gift-Aiding your donation.
The November issue of Mango News will be available after today’s Masses. The e-version has already been sent to those registered to receive it.
NCSC National Catholic Safeguarding Commission. The Catholic Trust for England & Wales has purchased a package of e-learning programmes (EduCare) available to all members of the Catholic community free of charge. This is especially useful for anyone working with children or vulnerable adults. For more information go to the Diocesan website
The Requiem Mass for Reg Wood is at 9.30am on Monday 23rd November: the Requiem Mass for Ellie Joy is at 1.00pm on Monday 30th November. Both take place at the Sacred Heart Church.
We pray also for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Megan (Maggie) Noone, Malcolm Craven, Francesco Carlucci, Patricia Honey and Maureen Nora Hardingham.
May they rest in peace.
Loving Father,
we pray for those baptised who no longer
or rarely attend Church:
that they will understand and experience in their hearts
that Christ is the source of unconditional
love and reconciliation.
We pray for everyone
who worships in our parish community,
that they may find the right words and means
to invite our absent brothers and sisters
to return to the practice of their faith.