A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS. Thank you for joining us for our Mass. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after Mass (in Aylsham and North Walsham). You may like to use one of the “one off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
TODAY there will be a Second collection for the Catholic Education Service: this corresponded to last Sunday which was Education Sunday.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets on Monday 24th: am. Computer Workshop; pm. Bob Maidment will give a presentation on the recent parish visit to Cambodia.
ST HELEN’S HOVETON The Wednesday Mass (on 26th) is at 10.30am as it will be the Funeral Mass for Marion Yapp who sadly died last Friday week. There will be the Reception into the Church on Tuesday at 4pm.
ST HELEN’S 4TH WEDNESDAY CLUB meets on 26th February, following Marion’s funeral, from about 11.30am until 4.30pm: lunch is at 12.30pm followed by social activities and games. There is a free raffle and we finish with cake and tea at 4.30pm. All over 60s welcome.
STALHAM AREA HOUSE MASS: this Friday (28th) at: The Rustics, Chequers Street, East Ruston, NR12 9JT. (Michael & Elaine Haughton) at 7.300pm All welcome.
ST HELEN’S COMMUNITY MEETING after Mass on Saturday 1st March. All parishioners are welcome to stay. Please put items on the Agenda in the porch.
ANNUAL WOMEN’S DAY OF PRAYER is being held on Friday 7th March at 2pm in our church at North Walsham. This is an international and inter-church organisation. Entitled “Streams in the desert”, the service this year has been compiled by the Coptic Christian women in Egypt. Both men and women are invited to attend. There are similar Services at Hoveton (St Helens at 10.30am) and Aylsham (see notice boards).
“MAGNIFICAT” – INTRODUCTORY OFFER The Catholic Herald, publishers of “Magnificat”, a very popular booklet already familiar to many, of daily readings, prayer and guidance, is making a special introductory offer of 3 ISSUES FOR ONLY £9. Orders may be made online at www.catholicherald.co.uk/offers or by completing forms, available at the back of the church, or telephoning 020 7448 3608.
SOUPS, SLIDES & CRAFTS in aid of support Cambodia on Saturday 22nd March from 12noon – 1.30pm at The Sacred Heart Parish hall. Tickets £3 : available from Clare (Aylsham), Celia (Hoveton) or Adrian (NW) after weekend Masses starting next weekend. Homemade soup & bread, fruit & coffee; a short slide show on the recent visit to Cambodia and a new selection of crafts for sale. Please bring friends and family and advertise the event in your area. Details: Katie on 01263 577784.
FUNERAL PLANS The Catholic Church in England & Wales recently produced a leaflet entitled “Instructions for my Funeral Mass”. This can be a great help to families when arranging a family funeral to ensure that the wishes of the deceased are known and fulfilled. There are copies in the porch.
SENSE & NONSENSE ON “ASSISTED DYING” An Assisted Dying Bill to legalise suicide is currently before Parliament. There is often confusion about what “assisted dying” means. Copies of a short briefing note from the ‘Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales is folded into this newsletter explaining simply and clearly what the issues are and what the Church says. You can also access it on the website www.catholicnews.org.uk.assisted-suicide-information
CATHOLIC DIOCESAN CHARISMATIC RENEWAL DAY will take place on Saturday 1st March at The Worship Centre, Bowthorpe, Norwich: the speaker is Derek Williams and his theme is “The Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand”.
TALKS ON CATHOLICISM, DARWINISM & CREATION – a day of talks at Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic Church is to be held on 8th March in Little Walsingham. Please see details on the poster at the back of the church.
“CATHOLIC EAST ANGLIA” is now our new diocesan newspaper. Do pick up a copy from the porch. It is FREE.
“COLUMBA” – magazine of the Knights of St Columba, Winter Edition 2013. Copies are available (Free) in the porch. Particularly of interest to men who may wish to join a local group of the KSC. Please see Fr David for more details.
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Gorleston require a Deputy Headteacher from September 2014 (or earlier if possible).
St Laurence’s Catholic Primary School, Cambridge require a Headteacher from September 2014.
St Alban’s Catholic High School, Ipswich: Headteacher required from September.
St Felix Catholic Primary School, Haverhill require a Key stage 2 leader and a Class Teacher senco, for September. For more information on any of the above Posts visit the Diocesan Website: www.catholiceastanglia.org
We pray for Marion Yapp who died a week ago last Friday and also for Eileen Smart who died this week. We remember in prayer both their families and friends at this time. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Michael Paul McCann, Edith Gladys (Rusty) Collins, Mary (Eileen) Clarke, Monica Hardingham, Madeline Frances Bloomfield and Josephine (Jo) Ringer.
May they rest in peace. Amen.