Dear Friends,
Today we celebrate the powerful gift of the Holy Spirit to the infant Church. The timidity of the apostles was replaced by a new confidence that enabled them to tell the world the good news of Jesus Christ. That same Spirit enables us to witness to our faith fearlessly and with confidence.
As part of the gradual easing of Covid restrictions in our churches and following our bishop’s advice we will restore Bidding Prayers and the Offertory procession at Mass. We can also use votive candles. We expect to have further guidance before 21st June.
A reminder that I am available for the sacrament of Confession at 12 noon on Saturdays.
God bless
Father James
At the Sacred Heart all services are now live streamed and are accessible from your computer. To access live streaming click here.
If you wish to attend a Sunday Mass you need to book a place with the co-ordinator for each church.
Important: Should you find you are unable to attend please make contact with your co-ordinator to cancel that booking and ‘free up’ a place for somebody else.
John Bolger at N.Walsham: 01692 581516 (
Fran Ludden at Aylsham: 07849 (
R.McGreevy,Hoveton:01603738255 (
Pentecost Novena prepared by the bishops, with material drawn from the Scriptures and the writings of Pope Francis, is on the parish website. Please go to this week’s Newsletter for the link.
“Send forth your Spirit, O Lord and renew the face of the earth.”
PPC Meeting The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Tuesday 25th May at 7.30pm in the presbytery. If parishioners have any points they would like to raise and thereby discussed at the meeting please make them known to the representatives for your church. NW – Becky Walker, Grazyna Shawinska and Antonia Martínez: Aylsham – Keith Copperwheat, Ginny Keane and Sue Short. Hoveton – Richard McGreevy (Chair) Elaine Haughton and Peter Rylands.
CAFOD is reminding us to take action to stop the climate crisis. This year the UK will host the largest gathering of world leaders ever to take place on British soil – the ‘COP26’ climate talks in Glasgow in November. Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, must push world leaders to show the ambition we need to keep temperature rises below the disastrous 1.5-degree threshold. This means that all countries must play their part. With the eyes of the world on the UK, we must urge the PM to make sure communities hardest hit by the climate emergency are listened to at “COP26”. Please sign CAFOD’s petition at or sign the green cards at the back of each church and post them to CAFOD. Further information can be found on the Parish website on the Noticeboard.
Items for the newsletter will be most welcome, to be sent please by email by the Tuesday of the week, or if urgent, at the very latest by Wednesday, no later than 12 noon.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell and Mary Carr.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Teresa Gray, Christopher Smith, Carmell Larter, Thomasina Hopkins, Brenda White, Frances Murphy, Mary Stockham, Valerie O’Hara, Joan Williamson and Nuala Wilders.
May they rest in peace.