Dear Friends,
The story of Bartimaeus is more than a simple miracle of restoring a man’s sight. In healing his blindness Jesus is radically changing his life and also opening up the path of discipleship. His request: ‘Master, let me see’ becomes his response of faith.
Sacramental Preparation. We have now reached the stage when we can begin classes for children to prepare them for their First Holy Communion and young people for Confirmation. Enrolment forms will shortly be available.
I will be in Liverpool with my family this coming week. We have organised a memorial Mass for George, my brother-in-law, on Friday. Back on Saturday.
Father James
At the Sacred Heart, North Walsham, all Masses both on Sundays and on weekdays (Tuesdays and Thursdays) are accessible from your computer or tablet. Simply click here or go to the parish website and click on ‘Live Streaming’.
Today is World Mission Day and there will be a retiring collection for Missio (The Association for the Propagation of the Faith)
St Helen’s 4th Wednesday Club for senior citizens opens again on 27th October. Coffee will be served from 11.30am, a simple hot lunch at 12.30pm, followed by social activities and games, finishing with tea and cake at 4.00pm. The cost is £2.50 each and includes a free raffle. You may join us for all or part of the day as you choose. Please leave a message on 01692 582418 by Monday 25th October to let us know in advance if you are coming. Thank you, and we look forward to welcoming back former members and new.
A PRAYER for the COP26 Climate talks
Loving God, we praise your name with all you have created. You are present in the whole universe, and in the smallest of creatures. We acknowledge the responsibilities you have placed upon us as stewards of your creation. May the Holy Spirit inspire all political leaders at COPO26 as they seek to embrace the changes needed to foster a more sustainable society. Instil in them the courage and gentleness to implement fairer solutions for the poorest and most vulnerable, and commit their nation to the care of our Common Home. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son. Amen
Cards with this prayer are available at the back of our churches.
The next Fortnightly Bible Study at the Sacred Heart is on Friday 19th November at 2.30 in the Committee Room (NB no meeting on 5th November).
Advent Collections for the North Norfolk and Norwich Food Banks. Having been unable to make our Advent Collections for the Food Banks for the last couple of years owing to the Covid pandemic, both the North Norfolk and the Norwich Food Bank would be very grateful if we could donate some Advent boxes this year. There are lists of the items that the Food Banks particularly need at the back of each of our churches, and on our Foodbank page. Please fill your boxes and ensure that they are brought in to either North Walsham or Aylsham for the North Norfolk Food Bank or to Hoveton for the Norwich Food Bank by the beginning of December so that the donated items can be distributed in time for Christmas.
Election of Parish Pastoral Council representatives. Thank you for your nominations so far for new representatives to the PPC. We are still short of the number required – 2 new representatives from each church. So please, put forward any nominees who would be willing to represent your church. It’s not a time-consuming task, 3 – 4 meetings a year! Nomination forms are at the back of all three churches.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley and Mary Carr.
We pray for Michael Doyle who died last week and those whose anniversaries occur this week: Godfrey Fahey, William Blewett, Michael Page, John Breen and Ada Loads.
May they rest in peace