Did you make any New Year resolutions? If so, how well are you doing now that we are four weeks into the year? If you haven’t stayed the course the characters in today’s Mass readings can bring some reassurance. Jonah had great success in persuading the Ninevites to mend their ways – but remember this was his second attempt. The first time he was so afraid that he ran away! St Paul tells the Christians in Corinth to take their calling seriously – but remember which side he started on. And Simon, Andrew, James and John left everything to follow Jesus – but remember that they all abandoned him at the end. We can take comfort that others that have gone before us and failed still went on to be great teachers of truth and witnesses to the Gospel. And if the resolutions haven’t stayed the course then Lent is just a few weeks away!
On the subject of readings: Father David Ward will be coming to us from Costessey to lead a workshop for readers on Saturday, 28th February in the parish hall at North Walsham from 1.30-3.30 pm. This is for readers in all three churches. Father David is an excellent tutor: gentle, positive and encouraging. He would like people to prepare a reading, preferably one that they will be doing in the following weeks.
There will be a parish Summer Fete this year and we have a date – Sunday, 5th July after the Mass at North Walsham. If you would like to be involved come to a planning meeting on Tuesday, 3rd February in the parish hall at 7 pm. For the Fete Father James’ Heavenly Hotdogs will be well worth waiting for!
Still no word about the new diocesan Year Books which have gone back to the printers. I am told that they should arrive ‘shortly’. We are also waiting for the delivery of the parish diaries. The parish directories are already available and are free!
God bless you all.
Father James
PS. From a genuine report from a hospital in Glasgow:
‘This patient has no previous history of suicides’.
More next week!
The Senior Citizens’ Group meets on Monday 26th January: am. Computer Workshop: pm. A demonstration of Teresa’s Amazing Sewing Machine. All are welcome.
Please continue to keep Marianne in your prayers.
Churches Together in Aylsham (CTA) – there will be a United Service of prayer for Christian Unity TODAY (Sunday 25th) at 4pm at St Michael’s Parish Church. All are welcome.
Aylsham Care Trust (ACT) require volunteer mini-bus drivers and catering assistants at Crumbs Cafe at the ACT centre. Contact information from Pauline Andrews at St John of the Cross.
St Helen’s 4th Wednesday Club for senior citizens meets again on 28th January. This will be our Christmas Party. We will have some home-spun entertainment, “sing-a-long”, poems and readings, quizzes and games. This year we were able to support the following charities with a donation of £50.00 each – Support Cambodia, The Camphill Community, Nelson’s Journey and E.A.C.H. All over 60s welcome from 11.30am for coffee; 12.30pm for simple hot lunch, finishing with tea and cake at 4pm.
St John of the Cross, Aylsham, invites the parish to a Quiz & Puddings Evening at the Parish Hall, North Walsham on Saturday 7th February at 7.00pm. Tickets – £6 will be on sale after Mass from 11th February. Please bring drinks with you. This is the final push for the Roof Fund. Poster on church notice boards.
Another ecumenical event: an evening of light music at Aylsham Methodist Church entitled “Pompey to Paradise”, with Cedric Brown (clarinet & saxophone), is on Saturday 31st January at 7pm. Entrance is free; charity donations taken on the night. Please see the poster at St John of the Cross for details.
Food banks (N Walsham & Aylsham): please see on notice boards letter of thanks for donations received and list of latest most pressing needs.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur during this week including: Jacqueline Denise Beardshaw, Mary Dolores Phillips, Minnie Nicholls, John Halsey, Zladislaw (Jan) Kurowski and Bridget Dalton.
May they rest in peace.
If you have any items for the newsletter please let us have them by Tuesday.