Dear Friends,
The Gospel readings for the next four Sundays speak of Jesus as the Bread of Life. Today we hear the account of the multiplication of the loaves – an echo of Elisha’s promise in the first reading that his fellow prophets will not go hungry. John, writing for the early Christian community, uses eucharistic language. Jesus accepts the offerings of the young boy. He takes the loaves and the fish, he blesses them and then gives them to the people. The words are a foretaste of the Last Supper. They are also familiar to us since they are used in the Consecration of the Mass with one addition – the bread is broken as the body of Jesus was broken on the Cross.
Father James
At the Sacred Heart all Masses are usually accessible from your computer: click here.
The end of Covid restrictions. A big Thank You to everyone who stayed on after the Sunday Masses last weekend. We discussed how best we should implement the guidelines from our bishops while providing a safe environment for our parishioners. These are the main items:
1. The use of hand sanitisers and face coverings will continue
2. The one-way systems in church will no longer be necessary
3. The congregation will now be allowed to sing (albeit with masks)
4. The seating capacity in each of our churches will be increased
5. The QR codes to be used, if possible, on arrival
6. Stewards will continue to welcome people, keep a record of their details and, if necessary, guide them to their seats
7. The Sunday Mass booking system will no longer be used at Aylsham or Hoveton. However it will continue at North Walsham. John Bolger, the co-ordinator, can be contacted on 01692 581516 (
We are grateful to the stewards and also the cleaners who have served us so well since our churches have been open.
Health and Safety. We are looking for someone from the Sacred Heart church to help with Health and Safety issues. Ken Watkins has done this for the last two years but he has now taken on the role of parish treasurer and cannot do both. Let Fr James know if you are interested or need more information.
Readers of the Word: At the Sacred Heart we are truly in short supply of readers so would urge people to consider whether or not they could add to the few and take on this important ministry – it is a very rewarding experience for the reader. We are hoping to draw up rotas shortly so please let Fr James or Antonia know if you would like to read in church.
Fortnightly Bible Study restarts on Friday 30th July at 2.30pm in the parish meeting room. We’ll start by reading St John’s Gospel Chap.20 19-21 in which the risen Jesus brings peace and new hope to his disciples, afraid, and “locked down”. All welcome.
Our annual Mass in the Memorial Garden (North Walsham) takes place on Tuesday 17th August at 6.00pm. Everyone is welcome but especially those who have their loved one’s ashes buried there. If it is wet, Mass will be held in the church. We will need help that evening with the setting up and putting back of the chairs. Nearer the time, if you are able to help please let Antonia know. Many thanks.
Choir practice at North Walsham will resume on Wednesday 28th at 6.15pm. New members will be very welcome.
Lunchtime recitals are being held at St Nicholas Church in North Walsham on Thursdays at 12.30pm throughout the month of July. Admission is free and you are welcome to bring your own lunch. Please see poster for details.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell and Mary Carr.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Anthony Randall, Florence Cullingford, Victor Azzaro, Edmond O’Flaherty, Mary Bianco, Derek Rayfield, Michael Conroy and Jennifer Copeman. May they rest in peace.