Dear Friends,
This Sunday at 5 pm the Journey of Faith will begin in the parish hall. It is primarily for anyone who wishes to know more about the Catholic Church and its teachings but it is also open to parishioners who would like to have a ‘refresher’ course in their faith. I will be leading the meetings which will take place once a month and last about an hour. They will be informal and there will be time for questions. Everyone is welcome. Those who are thinking about joining the Church will have extra individual sessions.
Parents of children who are of 1st Holy Communion age are asked to contact me so that they can be inscribed in the programme for 2015/6.
This weekend the clocks are put back and autumn is giving way to winter. Advent and Christmas will soon be upon us – my favourite time of the year.
Father James
Quote: Opportunity may knock once but temptation bangs on your front door for ever.
The Rosary is said during October – Hoveton at 5pm before Saturday Mass; Aylsham at 8.30am and North Walsham at 10.30am on Sundays. At the Sacred Heart, volunteers are needed to read: some new people would be great! Please sign the rota in the porch.
The Senior Citizens’ Group meets on Monday 26th. AM: Computer Workshop; also Chair Exercises. PM: there will be 80th birthday celebrations.
St Helens 4th Wednesday Club for senior citizens this month will be on 28th October. Coffee served from 11.30am and a simple hot lunch at 12.30pm. This month we will be filling the shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We have a free raffle and games if there is time after filling the boxes finishing at 4pm with tea and cake. Please let us know for catering purposes if you are coming for the first time. 01692 582418.
Our Diocesan Newspaper for November is now available at the back of the church.
A Support Cambodia RACE NIGHT will be held on Saturday 14th November at 7pm in the Parish Hall. Horses (£5) and jockeys (£3) will be on sale after all weekend Masses for the next 3 weekends. So that we have an idea of numbers attending, admission will be by ticket: price £1 – available after Mass or from Katie on 01263 577784. Bring your friends for a really good night out with quality prizes and help disadvantaged communities in Cambodia at the same time..
Nominations are requested for 3 new representatives, one for each church, for the Pastoral Parish Council (PPC) Return by end October.
Operation “Christmas Child” (Samaritan’s Purse)
IMPORTANT UPDATE: owing to a shortage of collection drivers the date for leaving completed boxes in church for collection has been brought forward; (for Hoveton) Saturday 31st and for (North Walsham) Sunday 1st November, at the latest! There are still leaflets available for the Appeal at the back of the church but only for a speedy completion. You are asked to give a £3 “shipping” donation with each box to cover transportation, etc.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Joan Weston, Anthony Crouch, Peter Williamson, Frank Harkin, Roger Northway, Barbara Stringer and Gordon Summerhill.
May they rest in peace.
Loving Father,
we pray for those baptised who no longer
or rarely attend Church:
that they will understand and experience in their hearts
that Christ is the source of unconditional
love and reconciliation.
We pray for everyone
who worships in our parish community,
that they may find the right words and means
to invite our absent brothers and sisters
to return to the practice of their faith.