Dear Friends,
Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee which had a mixed and pagan culture. He begins to call his disciples. They respond to his call and leave their homes and jobs because they recognise in him someone special. It is also in Galilee that Jesus reveals himself by his teaching and by curing all kinds of sickness.
God bless,
Father James
The next session of Journey in Faith will be today, 26th January, at 5pm in the presbytery.
The next Coffee Morning Drop-In at St Helen’s will be on Wednesday, 5th February. These coffee mornings are held in the church porch in conjunction with Churches Together, once a month from 10.30-11.30am on the first Wednesday. Do come and join us on Wednesday for a chat and refreshments including home-made cakes and scones at a cost of just £1.50. You are all most welcome and we look forward to seeing you.
At the Sacred Heart on Monday, tomorrow, we will be “trialling” an informal “Coffee Morning” in the parish hall following the 9.30am Mass. Everyone will be most welcome to come along, have some refreshments, relax and have a chat. It will be run on a once a month basis for the immediate future.
In preparation for Lent a Diocesan Retreat Day is going to be held in Our Lady of the Annunciation Church, Poringland, beginning in the Thirkettle Room on Saturday 15th February, 10am – 4pm. For more details please go to
Items discussed at the Sacred Heart’s Forum (open meeting) on Sunday 12th January in the parish hall are now available.
Please pick up a copy of the points raised at the meeting as a number of them are of considerable importance to the smooth running of our church and you may be able to help!
A reminder: items for the newsletter need to be, ideally, sent by email by the Tuesday of the week, or if urgent, at the very latest by Wednesday, no later than 12noon. Email: If you have details on any forthcoming events and services taking place in our three communities that could be publicised in the newsletter, please send these items to the above email address giving as much time as possible.
Would anyone have a projector they could lend to Elaine Haughton at St Helen’s? Her contact numbers are: 07880586482 or 01603 936641.
John Barnwell would like to thank everyone who came to his aid at the Sacred Heart during the Mass last Sunday. He is deeply grateful for the speedy attention he received.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Joe Seely, Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Teresa Farrow, Tom Ender, Derek Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice and Mary Carr.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Mary Phillips, Minnie Nicholls, John Halsey, Zladislaw (Jan) Kurowski and Bridget Dalton.
May they rest in peace.
Next Family Mass: Sunday 2nd February
(11.00 am Mass at the Sacred Heart)