Today’s gospel is about talking and hearing. A group, including Jesus, is gathered in the Nazareth synagogue on the sabbath for worship, prayer and readings from the scriptures. All eyes are fixed on Jesus. The gospel concludes with Jesus remarking on how the text he has just read from Isaiah was being fulfilled that day even as they listened.
We, the baptised, are each in our own way to be hearers of the word and to draw others to share Christ’s life and words. So they too become hearers of the word, and we servants of that word, as St Luke tells us in the opening of today’s gospel. Vatican ll stated that all the Church’s preaching, no less than the whole Christian religion, ought to be nourished and ruled by holy scripture. ‘In the sacred books the Father who is in heaven comes lovingly to meet his children and talk with them.’ Our eyes are to be ‘fixed’ on Jesus Christ so as to realise that the word of God took flesh in Jesus, the Son of God, the incarnate word of God. The scriptures were being fulfilled.
Fr James
Next Sunday, 2nd February, a Forum will be held in both St John of the Cross & the Sacred Heart churches. (St Helen’s has already held their Forum.) This has been requested by Fr Peter in order that, as a parish, we share our individual thoughts and reactions to the very important points raised in the Pastoral Questionnaire. This was announced and available to read on our website from 1st December, 1st day of Advent. The questionnaire is available to read here along with the discussion paper. A number of hard copies of same are available in those churches. Please give this serious attention, attend your Forum following the Sunday Masses on 2nd February and raise any points/queries you may have at your church’s Forum. Well done, St Helen’s, for your already prompt attention!
Inviting all young people in Year 9 and above to ‘Flame’ at Wembley Arena The Diocesan Youth service is excited to be taking a group to ‘Flame’ on 15th March. Flame is the largest Catholic gathering of young people in the UK, coming together to experience the best in international speakers, artists and performers. It is a vibrant experience of young Church, concluding with Adoration led by most of the Bishops of England and Wales. For details and to book a ticket and place on the coach, please see Bookings must be received by 9th February.
Enrolment of Altar Servers continues this Sunday when again our altar servers at the Sacred Heart Church will be enrolled in the Archconfraternity of Saint Stephen (the altar servers’ guild). Congratulations are due and thanks for their loyal service.
The Minutes of the PPC meeting held on 10th December 2024 are now available to read here. ‘Amended’ Minutes of that meeting are available in church porches.
The Friends of St Francis will next meet at 2.30pm on Sunday, 2nd February. The venue is St Boniface Church, Brabazon Road, Hellesden, NR6 6SY. All are welcome.
Daphne Necci, sadly died on Wednesday 15th January. Her daughter wishes to thank those who knew her mother and had been praying for her. Daphne’s Requiem Mass will be held at St John of the Cross, Aylsham, on Friday 14th February at 10am.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Margaret Larkins, Maria Halsey, Joan Macnamara, Richard Skelton, Teresa Fitzmaurice, Joan Gale, Bernadette Saunders, Doreen Rockey & daughter Sandra, Pam Thornton, Inge O’ Toole, Mary Long, Mary Cockburn, Malcolm Akers, Frances Mack and Tony & Amy Heywood; also
others who are sick.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Elizabeth Hammond, Mary Phillips, Minnie Nicholls, John Halsey, Eileen Amis, Wladyslaw (Jan) Kurowski and Bridget Dalton.
May they rest in peace.