Dear Friends,
Today’s Gospel reading tells the story of how Jesus fed a great crowd of people with just a few loaves and fish. St John wrote this account 60 years after the event for the Christian community that would have made the connection with what it did every Sunday at the Eucharist. Just as Jesus ‘took the loaves, gave thanks and gave them out to all’ so the celebrant at the moment of Consecration at Mass takes the bread, gives thanks and gives it out at Communion. Twelve hampers of leftovers are carefully gathered together – no waste here! They also remind us of how generously God gives.
Catholic papers. Each week the parish orders 18 Catholic papers and puts them on sale in our three churches. Most weeks we only sell 3. I know that some of you order your Catholic paper through your local newsagent or take out a subscription. I think you will agree that the present situation cannot continue because it involves a good deal of paperwork that is out of all proportion to the result. Let me know what you think.
Father James
A young child was in church for the first time. As the plate came round at the offertory the youngster said in a loud voice: ‘Don’t pay for me, Daddy, I’m under five’.
This Sunday (26th) is Day for Life: this year it focuses on cherishing life and accepting death, giving people an opportunity to think about the mysteries of life and death as well as the Church’s teaching on appropriate treatment at the end of life. This year’s theme is Assisted Suicide or the so called Assisted Dying Bill scheduled for debate in the House of Commons on 11th September. Please support the crucial work of Day for Life by giving generously in a retiring collection and collect from the porch the “Cherishing Life, Accepting Death” card, which has a remarkable message.
This Monday (27th) the Senior Citizens Group is having an ‘Informal get-together’ and a chat. During the summer months the group is breaking with tradition and plans to meet each week on a mainly informal basis.
Support Cambodia’s newsletter, Mango News, comes out this week. Those registered to receive it by email will do so in the next few days. For those without email, paper copies will be available next weekend. To register for the e-version, please email the Editor at
Fundraising for World Youth Day will continue, fortnightly, taking place after Mass on a Sunday. On Sunday 2nd August Kerry and Lauren will again bring second hand books to the parish hall for people to take and make a donation.
In an attempt to sell off and clear the many items left over from the fete, Maureen and Antonia will be holding a “Sale – at knockdown prices” in the parish hall on the intervening Sundays from the book sale. The money raised will go towards the Organ Fund.
Fr Michael Johnstone is planning to take another group to Jamaica to work as volunteers with the Missionaries of the Poor. Anyone over 18 interested in finding out more and possibly joining – please contact him. The only cost is the fare, for which we will try to arrange sponsorship opportunities. To contact ring 01328 823586 or go to
Thanks go to all who donated items to the Silent Auction and to those who placed bids. The total sum raised was £278 which will go to the Organ Fund.
The Shrine at Walsingham is looking for a Sales assistant to help with the Shrine Shop on busy pilgrimage days and to cover staff holidays for the next three months. If you would like to help please contact Sonya or Paul at: or telephone 01328 821794.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Victor Emanuel Azzaro, Edmond O’Flaherty, Mary Bianco, Derek Rayfield and Michael Conroy.
May they rest in peace.