“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
The readings for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, invite us on a journey of restoration. God is always at work, gathering us from exile, healing our wounds and restoring our joy. When we are like the exiles in Jeremiah, the joyful pilgrims in the Psalms, or Bartimaeus sitting by the roadside, God sees us, hears our cries and extends His hand of mercy.
Fr. Peter.
This Friday, 1st November is All Saints’ Day, a Holyday of Obligation Day. There will be a Second Collection for Caritas East Anglia/St. Edmund’s Fund on the weekend of Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd November.
All Saints’ Day Masses – at St. John of the Cross (Aylsham) 9am; at the Sacred Heart (N Walsham) 11am and at St Helen (Hoveton) 6pm.
First Communion programme 2024/25 If your child is in Year 3 or above and you wish him/her to be enrolled in the Parish Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist please speak to Fr Peter. Application forms for this Programme are available in the narthex of our churches.
Confirmation 2025 – Those interested in attending confirmation classes pl speak with Fr Peter. Candidates to be 14 plus years.
House Mass at the home of Elaine Haughton is on Tuesday 29th October at 3pm: 12 Three Acre Close, Hoveton, NT12 8QL.
Father Totet Banayal, Parish Priest of St John’s Siem Reap in Cambodia will celebrate the 9am Mass at Aylsham on Friday 1st November, All Saints Day (Holyday of Obligation). Those who would like to meet Fr Totet, especially if you already know him, are warmly invited to join us for Mass followed by coffee and cake. For more information call Katie on 01263 577784.
Books of Remembrance are in our churches this week for you to list your loved ones and friends.
Pope’s Intention for the month of September
For the cry of the Earth
We pray that each one of us will hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth and of victims of natural disasters and climatic change, and that all will undertake to personally care for the world in which we live.
This weekend there is a Second Collection for the Catholic Education Service.
Next Sunday is Evangelii Gaudium Day; there will be a Second Collection for the Home Missions.
READERS’ TRAINING. The training for all the readers how to use the new Lectionary is scheduled on the 27th November at the Sacred Heart church at 6.30pm. All are kindly requested to attend this very important session given by Fr. Anthony.
Deanery Mass. Annual Requiem Mass for the clergy of the Norwich Deanery will be celebrated on Friday 8th November at the Sacred Heart, North Walsham at 12pm. Parishioners across the Deanery are invited to this Mass, as we pray for the many priests & deacons who have served our parishes in the past.
Day of Renewal “Claiming Your Inheritance” at St Edmunds Church, Bury St Edmunds on Saturday 9th November, 10am to 4.30pm – Guest speaker Fr Paschal Uche. The day includes praise & worship, inspiring talks, Mass, Adoration, Reconciliation & prayer ministry. Pl bring a packed lunch; tea & coffee available. Info: renewaleastanglia@gmail.com or on 07869652115
Inviting young people (Year7+) especially those preparing for Confirmation, catechists & Youth Leaders to HOPE!
HOPE! Is a special event organised by the Diocesan Ignite Team in preparation for World Youth Sunday later in November. Includes live music, inspiring talks, prayer & good food! Held at St John’s Cathedral Narthex from 2pm – 8pm (to include joining the parish vigil Mass) on Saturday 9th November. Entry £5 on the door. Www.rcdea.org.uk/youth
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Paul Watson, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Maria Halsey, Joan Macnamara, Richard Skelton, Teresa Fitzmaurice, Joan Gale, Bernadette Saunders, Doreen Rockey & daughter Sandra, Pam Thornton, Inge O’ Toole, Mary Long, Mary Cockburn, Malcolm Akers and Frances Mack. also to include others who are sick.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Anthony (Tony) Crouch, Sheila Hall, Roger Northway, Charles Thacker, Barbara Stringer, Lena Williams, Gordon Summerhill, Anthony (Tony) Starmer, Cecil (Harry) Carr and Reginald Townsend..
May they rest in peace.