Dear Friends,
Today is the first Sunday of Advent. The Church focuses on the theme of waiting recognising that there is a final end to the present age. The Gospel has a vivid picture of the last days: the Lord will come again as judge. Luke presents this in positive terms – ‘your liberation is near at hand’. Those who await the Lord must be vigilant in prayer: ’Stay awake, praying at all times’. This attitude must also inform our present way of life as we look for the hope of salvation that is promised by the prophet Jeremiah.
Our bishops have given us further guidelines emphasizing the importance of Sunday Mass in our Catholic life. They have also decided not to restore the Sunday obligation. Copies of their letter can be found on the parish website and in each of our churches.
Father James
Missio Collection Boxes. Please hand in your red APF/Mission boxes to Sue Perrott (Sacred Heart); Maureen Keane (St Helen’s) and Peter Adamson (St John of the Cross). Thank you.
Christmas Masses:
Christmas Eve – 6 pm at North Walsham. 9 pm at Aylsham
Christmas Day – 9 am at Hoveton. 11 am at North Walsham
Sunday, 26th December – 9 am at Hoveton. 11 am at North Walsham
Christmas Eve Mass at Aylsham (9.00pm) As numbers will be limited St John’s will be putting out a booking list; 60 maximum. If anyone from N. Walsham or Hoveton would like to attend please contact Fran Ludden on 01263 734445 or
There will be a children’s Christmas Party on Sunday, 19th December in the parish hall. Please add your child’s name to the list at the back of the Sacred Heart church, or contact Kerry on
World Gifts for Christmas Let’s spread the joy of Christmas around the world. Buy a CAFOD World Gift for family and friends and help transform the lives of people living in poverty – go to Alternative Gifts (SVP) and Aid to the Church in need
St Helen’s Coffee Morning is on Wednesday 1st December, 10.20 – 11.30am. For £1.50 we can enjoy a chat over tea/coffee and refreshments including home-made festive bakes. You will be most welcome. Proceeds go to local charities.
Bible Study at the Sacred Heart is on Friday 3rd December in the Committee Room at 2.30pm.
The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Tuesday 7th December at 7.30pm at St Helen’s Hoveton. If you have any matters you would like discussed, please let your representatives know. We still need a further nomination for the Sacred Heart.
Holy Hour & Eucharistic Adoration is on Thursdays at St Helen’s, at 3pm starting with the Prayer & Chaplet of Divine Mercy. A time for quiet reflection, meditation and contemplation. We pray the Holy Rosary after 3.30pm.
A Parish Service of Reconciliation will be held on Saturday 18th December at 11.30am at the Sacred Heart Church.
Would you like to help the homeless? St Martins Trust is looking for street collectors in Norwich in December. For more information you can contact Gill Williams on 01603 438766 or by email:
Advent Collections (North Norfolk & Norwich Food Banks). Your donations of Advent boxes will be most gratefully received Lists of the items needed are displayed at the back of our churches. Boxes must be in by the beginning of December so the donated items can be distributed in time for Christmas.
For more information see the Food Bank page.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, John Bradley and Paul Watson.
We pray for Kathleen Hartree who died recently and those whose anniversaries occur this week: Maureen Hardingham, Frieda Summerhill, Fr Edward Watkis, Linda Ward, Lucy Segovia, Gladys Lavender, Philip Madden, David Southwood, Geoffrey Gooch and Anna Taylor.
May they rest in peace