Dear Parishioners,
“The Word of God became man that you also may learn from a man how a man becomes a God”. Today we begin our yearly pilgrimage through the events of the history of salvation starting with our preparation for the birthday celebration of Jesus and ending with our reflection on his glorious “second coming” as judge at the end of the world. We are entering the Advent season. Advent means coming. We are invited to meditate on Jesus’ first coming in history as a baby in Bethlehem, his daily coming into our lives in mystery through the Sacraments, through the Bible, and through the worshipping community, and finally his “Second Coming” (Parousia) at the end of the world.
Fr Peter
This afternoon at St John of the Cross, the parish is warmly invited to join the Aylsham community for “Come Lord Jesus” – a service of words and music, irrespective of faith or none at 4pm.
The Parish Reconciliation Service takes place at North Walsham on Saturday 17th December at 11.30am –12.30pm. There will be a number of visiting priests available for confessions. It is an excellent way of preparing for Christmas.
“My Day by Day” – Advent 2022 booklets are available in church porches, costing only £1, taking us through each day’s liturgy during the coming Advent, accompanying the readings with reflections and prayers. Do take one.
Transform for Advent. For young people aged 16-30 yrs, come and grow in your faith as we approach Christmas! Held at Clare Priory on 9th-11th December, the weekend will include live music, powerful talks, passionate prayer and interactive workshops, as well as good food and free time! Organised by the Diocesan Youth Service and Clare Priory. Bookings close Sunday 4th December. See for more information.
CAFOD World Gifts. Copies of the Christmas brochures are available in church porches – help yourself to one. Orders online need to be sent by 15th December for free delivery.
First Holy Communion. We will be starting our New First Holy Communion classes at the beginning of December. Parents and children from the age of 7, wishing to register, please complete registration forms at the back of the church and hand them to Father Peter.
Coming events in the lead-up to Christmas:
St Helen’s Advent Carol Service will be held on Tuesday 13th December at 7.00pm.
The Sacred Heart is having a traditional Carol Service of Christmas readings and carols on Sunday 18th December at 3.00pm.
Parish Directory. If you have an entry in the new directory, please check for accuracy. Any errors should be reported to the Parish Office a.s.a.p. Thank you.
Paston College Pop-up Café The new students have been practising their catering skills and would like some ‘test’ customers. All are welcome for Free tea/coffee & cake on Thursday 1st December 10.15 – 11.30 in our parish hall. Let’s give the students some encouragement!
Wroxham & Hoveton United Reform Church are holding a “Warm Space” event on Thursdays 10.30 – 3.00 starting on December 1st providing refreshments, games & fellowship for all who need a helping hand. Volunteers are needed to assist between 12.00 & 3.00. Please ring Lynne Howard if you can help on 01603 738835.
.“Carols at Roys”, Wroxham. Churches Together will be singing carols and invite you to join them on Thursday 8th December at 5pm. They will be accompanied by Wroxham Praise Band.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Pat Durrant, Celia Cooper, Barbara Laws, Michael Haughton, Marie Barton and Helga Wright.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Maureen Hardingham, Frieda Summerhill, Fr Edward Watkis, Linda Ward, Lucy Segovia, Gladys Lavender, Philip Madden and David Southwood. May they rest in peace.