Dear Friends
The advice Jesus gives in today’s Gospel reading is more than good manners: it is about treating everyone with respect and gentleness (see the first reading also).
Each year a member of one of the religious orders comes to our parish to tell us about their work. This year it is the turn of the Spiritans (Holy Ghost Fathers). Jr John Abugri will be staying in the parish while I am away. I know that you will give him a warm welcome.
Father James
In October Rob and Clare Hardie will be visiting Welcome Centre for Refugees from Syria and Iraq who have landed on Kos and Rhodes via the perilous route from Turkey on overcrowded inflatable boats – we have all seen them on our TV screens. The Welcome Centre is run by an English Franciscan, Fr John Luke Gregory. This visit is part of a Footsteps of St Paul pilgrimage and the organisers have suggested that it would be a great help if pilgrims on the trip were able to give some financial support for this great work. So Rob and Clare would be happy to receive any cash donations or spare euros left over from your holidays which they will give to Fr John Luke.
The Sponsored Bike Ride and Walk (Norfolk Churches Trust) will be on Saturday 10th September, 9 am to 5 pm. Get your sponsor/donation form from the church porch.
Churches Together SAFARI SUPPER is on Saturday 10th September: adult ticket @7.50, under 12s £5.00. Proceeds to Age Concern (North Walsham, Dementia Friendly Town).
A Flower Festival and Art Exhibition takes place on Friday 9th to Monday 12th September at St George’s Church, Sprowston. The diocese celebrates its 40 years of existence. Flower arrangers from the diocese will represent their different parishes, and this will include our own parish. Refreshments will be available.
Looking ahead during the latter half of Octobers, groups and individual parishioners prepare Shoeboxes for the Samaritan’s Purse charity which aims to delight children from Third World countries with gifts at Christmas. our boxes will be collected if the number exceeds 50: if less, someone will have to take them to the nearest drop-off point between 1st and 18th November. Apart from those at Aylsham who have their own arrangements, it would be helpful to know exactly how many parishioners, whether or not in a group, intend making up a box or boxes. Please email Antonia on home email: or ring 01692 406452.
Senior Citizens’ Group at NW will reconvene on Monday 5th September. a.m.: Computer Workshop will continue; lunch will be provided. p.m.: Planning meeting, an interesting programme in following weeks. Anyone wishing to come along will be most welcome. Please contact Teresa on 01692 405007.
Catholic East Anglia, our diocesan newspaper, sin our churches. Do pick up a copy and catch up on the events that took place in Krakow with our your people during World Youth Day.
Young Catholic Adult Weekend at Douai Abbey 28th – 30th October. For 18-40 year olds, a truly memorable experience led by Fr Thomas Crean OP. Book soon, places limited.
A Concert by pupils of David Shippey (piano), Linda Roy (flute) and Dota Williams (violin) at St John of the Cross, Aylsham on Sunday 11th September at 3 pm. All are welcome. Entry is free with a retiring collection for Support Cambodia’s “Water Tank Project” at Svay Sisophon, with craft sales and teas. For details ring Katie on 01263 577784.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur during this week, including: John Mardon, Christine Miller, Kenneth Jackson, Leokadia Lloyd, Thomas Dooney, Christina Quinn, Catherine (Kitty) Brooder, Anthony Conrad, Beatrice Turton and Joan (Jean) Law. May they rest in peace.