A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS: we hope you have a very enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. “One off” gift aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
Last weekend we received a letter from Monsignor Keith Newton, Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, about the contribution that the Ordinariate is making to the life and work of the Catholic Church in this country. The Ordinariate is the structure under which former Anglicans who wish to enter the full communion of the Catholic Church, bringing with them some of the traditions and beauty of the Anglican heritage in which they were nurtured, may do so. There are some spare copies of the letter in the porch if you were away last weekend.
CAFOD Harvest Fast Day is on this coming Friday (4th October). What we save by “going without” on Friday we are invited to put in the CAFOD envelope (distributed today as you leave Mass) for returning as second collection next weekend
HARVEST THANKSGIVING will be celebrated in our Masses next weekend. At Aylsham and North Walsham parishioners are invited to bring items for the Offertory Procession. No Plastic Bags please, so that we adorn the church with God’s bounty – and not that of Sainsbury’s/Tescos’!! Perishable items will be sold after Mass for CAFOD – store cupboard items will go to the Food Bank.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS Nominations are requested for 4 new PPC members; 2 for The Sacred Heart, 1 for St Helen’s and 1 for St John of the Cross. Nomination forms are at the back of each church. Please ensure that the completed forms are handed to Fr David by October 27th to allow time for a ballot, if necessary, before the next PPC Meeting in November.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP – Mon. 30th Sept: am – informal – copies of old newspapers dating back to World War 1; pm “Les Dawson” – a DVD lent by John Barnwell. On Monday 7th October a representative from The East Anglian Air Ambulance will give an update on their activities. All parishioners are welcome.
DVD “CATHOLICISM” by Fr Robert Barron: the series will continue every Monday at 2.30 pm at the home of Terry & Janet McIlwee – 11 Hartwell Road, Wroxham, NR12 8TL: tel no. 01603 782414. Next one – Monday 30th; all welcome.
(Aylsham) – Saturday 5th October at 7pm. Chilli or quiche with crusty bread & salad; dessert, wine & soft drinks. £7 – proceeds to St John’s Roof Fund.
(Hoveton) – Monday 7th October: tickets (£5) – Mary on 01692 580712.
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Don’t forget we have a support group that can be reached – 07501 265779 or email pssacredheart@outlook.com
FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2013/14 If your child is in year 3 or above and you wish them to be enrolled in the Parish Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, please complete a registration form for enrolment to be found at the back of the church: this is the final weekend for enrolments.
THE ROSARY will be said during October: at Hoveton before Saturday Mass at 5pm; Aylsham – Sundays at 8.30am and NW at 10.30am. Volunteers needed to lead at the Sacred Heart: please sign the rota in the porch.
CAMBODIAN-STYLE MASS to celebrate the Khmer Festival of the Ancestors’ (Pchum Ben) on Friday 18th October at 7pm in the Parish Hall. For the Church in Cambodia, this is ‘All Souls Day’ and so through our Mass we will join in spirit with our friends in Svay Sisophon as they pray for their departed loved ones. Full details in next week’s newsletter.
FURSEY ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE Saturday 5th October at Burgh Castle Church at 2.30pm. Please see poster.
REUNION of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes – Saturday 5th October at St Mary’s Catholic Church, Ipswich (322 Woodbridge Rd, IP4 4BD). Mass at 12noon followed by shared lunch. All, pilgrims past & present or anyone interested, are welcome. For details please see poster on notice board.
INVOCATION – “FACE 2 FACE” A special event for young adults aged 16 – 30, discerning their vocation or who are just looking to deepen their faith. Held at St Chad’s Cathedral in Birmingham on Saturday 12th October. Please go to www.invocation.org.uk for more details. A group will be going from the diocese: please see poster on notice board. Contact Hamish on 07812 004934 or dys@east-angliadiocese.org.uk for more information.
DAY OF REFLECTIONS led by David McLoughlin, theologian at Newman Univ. Birmingham, speaking on “Economics of the kingdom vs. the Economics of the empire”. Parish Centre, Exeter Rd, Newmarket CB8 8LT on Sat 12th October 10.30-15.30. Bring a packed lunch; tea/coffee served from 10.00am To book by 5th October. Tel 01223 240207: email bshaw98uk@yahoo.co.uk
“BE OPEN TO GOD” a quiet day, led by Magdalen Houlihan (Clare Priory) held at Parish hall NW on Sat 12th October, 10.15am – 3.15pm. To book ’phone Betty Dady 01692 402398. For further details see poster in the church.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries are at this time including: Jack Roberts, John Harrold (Jack) Barrett, Gwendoline Elizabeth Faupel and Thomas Ernest Rawlinson. May they rest in peace. Amen.