Dear Friends,
In the Bible we find how God is revealed through his words and his intervention in the lives of the Jewish people. Paul says that this relationship is an intimate and personal one that gives us access to the inner life of God. The gospel command to make disciples of all nations extends that relationship to ‘all peoples’. What today’s feast seeks to do is to hold in tension through reflecting on the Trinity the utter immensity of God which is, nonetheless, open to an intimate and permanent relationship of love in which all humankind is invited to share.
We seem to be coming to the end of the long succession of grey chilly days. I shall be away from the parish for a short (sunny!) break from Sunday pm to Thursday.
This Sunday there will be a national Rosary Rally sponsored by the Shrine at Walsingham. We are encouraged to pray the Rosary in our diocese from 2-3 pm today.
Father James
At the Sacred Heart all services are now live streamed and are accessible from your computer/tablet. To access the live stream click here, or go to the parish website and click on ‘Live Streaming’.
If you wish to attend a Sunday Mass you need to book a place with the co-ordinator for each church. To see current vacant spaces, go to Mass Times.
Important: Should you find you are unable to attend please make contact with your co-ordinator to cancel that booking and ‘free up’ a place for somebody else.
John Bolger at N.Walsham: 01692 581516 (
Fran Ludden at Aylsham: 07849602227(
Richard McGreevy at Hoveton: 07730 817580 (
Readers of the Word: As we are shortly hoping to resume more of our regular features in the Mass, we find we are in need of more readers, to make up a complete rota. Please let us know if you would like to read in church. Later when further easing of restrictions takes place, there will be commissioning and training if needed.
Bible Study With lockdown gradually easing, and the church hall now in use, we can think about restarting fortnightly Bible Study in North Walsham. Please let me know if you are interested. If this is new to you – do think about trying it! Contact John Bolger: or phone 01692 581516.
Support Cambodia Following a number of practical difficulties, Support Cambodia’s Plant/Garden event on 21st Aug has had to be moved from its usual base at the Sacred Heart Church. The venue will now be Wickmere Village, NR11 7ND (just a mile from both Erpingham and Aldborough) where there will be an Open Garden & Village Yard Sale on Saturday 21st August. Plants, produce & craft stalls plus collectibles, a raffle and other attractions will combine with table top sales around the village to provide an enjoyable day out. Car parking and refreshments available. Proceeds to clean water projects in North-West Cambodia. Suggestions, a commitment to help on the day and advance offers or preserves, produce, winter bedding, plants, bulbs etc. would be very gratefully received. Thank you.
Items for the newsletter will be most welcome, to be sent please by email by the Tuesday of the week, or if urgent, at the very latest by Wednesday, no later than 12 noon.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell and Mary Carr.
We pray for Glory Hogan who died recently and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Thomas McGinty, Matthew Johnson, Peter Cameron, Grace Butler, Alice Buttle, Russell Skipper and Ann (Val) Edwards.
May they rest in peace.