A WARM WELCOME TO ANY VISITORS with us this weekend. Do stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners.
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. There will be the customary 2nd collection for “Peter’s Pence”.
NB: Please note the weekday Mass schedule for this week – there are a number of changes.
ORDINATION of Henry Whisenant at the Cathedral is this coming Saturday 6th July at 12noon. Two seats are now available on the coach. A reminder: it will pick up from Aylsham 9.40 am; from North Walsham 10.05am and from Hoveton 10.30am; it will depart from the Cathedral at 2.45pm. Please be back in the coach at that time. There will be time after the ordination (which takes about 1 hour 40 minutes) for refreshments etc in the Narthex/grounds before leaving.
Henry Whisenant will be visiting the parish for the weekend 27th/28th July.
THE INSTALATION OF BISHOP ALAN HOPES takes place on Tuesday 16th July at 12noon in our Cathedral in Norwich. We will be running a coach but would be grateful if you could sign the lists in the church as soon as possible to enable us to book the right sized coach. With large numbers of people coming in from all over the Diocese the “Pick up “ times need to be early. From Aylsham 9.00am; from NW 9.20am and from Hoveton 9.40am expected to arrive at 10.15am. It will depart at.2.45pm. Cost £4 to be collected before the day.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING PRAYER MEETINGS – Tuesday 2nd July at Tony & Betty Dady’s home, 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham.2.00-3.30pm (01692 402398). All welcome.
PARISH SUMMER FETE – a huge thank you to all who gave their support with their many donations; those who worked in organising the Fete and special thanks to those who set up the stalls and cleared away afterwards. We have raised a net £2,408.82 – to be divided three ways between the Foodbank, Cruse Bereavement Care and our twinned parish in Cambodia. It was a resounding success.
RAFFLE PRIZE – list of winners on the notice board at the back of the church.
“Wandering Spirit” (a bottle of Whisky) the winning bottle has yet to be claimed – white ticket no. 146.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP Monday 1st July – am Informal; 2.00pm “The Tudors” – a talk given by Doreen Crouch. All parishioners are welcome t6o join us.
OUR DIOCESAN FAMILY NEWSPAPER is available in the church porch, FREE. Do pick up a copy to catch up on all that is going on in the diocese.
CRUCIFIX Did any of the First Communion children loose a small standing crucifix? One was found outside the church. See Fr David.
MASS WITH ANOINTING will take place at the Sacred Heart Church, North Walsham on Monday 15th July at 2.00pm. This sacrament (once called Extreme Unction) is a sacrament of God’s healing love, strength and peace not only for those who are seriously ill but also for those who feel weak and less well through advanced age and also for those about to undergo major surgery. Those who regularly visit the housebound are encouraged to invite and bring them along to this Mass. Parishioners are warmly invited to come and pray for those from our community who will be anointed. There will be no 9.30am Mass that day.
World Youth Day ‘At Home’ – 26th-29th July: national event for young people aged 16+. For information go to www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth
AUGUST DIOCESAN CAMPS at Eccles Hall, Norfolk: Junior Camp 8-14yrs
Friday 23rd August – Monday 26th. Pl contact Fr David for an application form.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL – Minutes of meeting held on 11th April and the Parish Annual Meeting of 20th May are on notice boards and the Parish website.
READERS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: there will be a Day of Reflection on Saturday 7th September from 20.30am – 3.30pm. Please put this date in your diaries as ALL Readers and Eucharistic Ministers are expected to attend such an annual day.
“YEAR OF FAITH” – To profess our faith we have to try to identify what our faith means to us and be able to share it with others. Would you be willing to write a short account of what faith means to you, how you live out your life as a 21st Century Catholic Christian? Over the next few months, contributions, anonymous or otherwise, could be included in this bulletin. Please keep contributions to around 400 words – please hand in at the presbytery. Not many responses so far……Don’t be shy.
LIFT REQUIRED by a female parishioner who has moved to Suffield, as she would like a lift to a Sunday Mass.
Tony and Maria Kelly would like to express their heartfelt thanks for everybody’s support and prayers during Tony’s (recent|) illness.
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP – accessible on tel. no. 07501 265779 or via email pssacredheart@outlook.com
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including: Kathleen Ives, Nancy Flatley, James Edward Metcalf, Patricia Mary Bolton, Selma Frances (Karen) Mortimer, Ellen McKeown, Martin John David Wood, Pauline Elizabeth Gertrude Watson and Doris Alice McGee.
May they rest in peace. Amen.