“God’s love for the biggest sinner is greater than the love of the holiest man of God.”
On this 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, we celebrate the Solemnity of SS. Peter and Paul. Saints Peter and Paul are considered the foundational pillars of the Church. Peter represents the stability of the Church and the office of the Vicar of Christ. Paul represents the mission of evangelization that was entrusted to the Church by Jesus Himself. As we honour these two pillars of the Church, recall the fact that, though they are great saints, they were also ordinary men called to extraordinary vocations. They responded and God used them in ways they could have never imagined. Ponder your own calling in light of theirs and resolve to live your life for the Church, joining yourself to these two men so that God can continue their holy mission through you.
Father Peter
This weekend there is a Second Collection for Peter’s Pence.
Parish Census. We are in the process of carrying out a new Census in our three churches. Last week the forms were given to everyone, including older teenagers. If you were not at Mass last Sunday, it would be very much appreciated if you would kindly make sure you take the forms today at the end of Mass, one set per person, fill them in and return them to your church by next weekend at the latest. They can, if preferable, be put through the presbytery letterbox. Forms ask for basic details, essential for Fr Peter, our Parish Priest, in his pastoral work, that he know his parishioners and their needs. There are also questions on any skills and ministries held and general participation in parish life. All information received will be held in confidence and used only in accordance with Data Protection Law.
Please could forms be returned, in the box files, to the office during week starting Monday 8th July. Thank you.
Next Lectio Divina is on Monday 1st July at 7pm at St John of the Cross. Contact: mary.wallace79@gmail.com
House Mass at the home of Celia Cooper on Tuesday 2nd July at 3pm: Barnside, Stubb Road, Hickling, NR12 0YS.
The next St Helen’s Coffee Morning will take place on Wednesday 3rd July at 10.30am. Do bring your friends and pop in to say hello and enjoy refreshments. You will receive a warm welcome.
Eucharistic Ministers from our three churches are asked to attend a meeting on Saturday 20th July from 11.30am – 1.30pm in the hall.
Sacred Heart SVP Conference. Parishioners from St John of the Cross have formed a St Vincent de Paul group (SVP conference).. Set-up of the conference is underway, so we hope to be ready to start taking referrals to help and support vulnerable people from the autumn of 2024. Enquiries/referrals to the group should first be made via the Parish office (from the autumn) until further notice.
Dates for Future Parish Events:
“Sacred Heart’s Got Talent!” Saturday 27th July at 3pm in the parish hall. Please speak to Kerry to sign up or for more details!
“Family Faith, Food & Fun” Day. Saturday 17th August at the Sacred Heart, NW., 12.pm – 4pm Need of volunteers so please, if you’re willing to help, contact Kerry on 07504 048352.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Paul Watson, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Bert Pooler, Maria Halsey, Joan Macnamara, Richard Skelton, Teresa Fitzmaurice, Joan Gale, Bernadette Saunders, Doreen Rockey and daughter Sandra and Pam Thornton; to include others who are sick.
We pray We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Kathleen Ives, Nancy Flatley, James Metcalf, Patricia Bolton, Selma (Karen) Mortimer, Ellen McKeown, Martin Wood, Pauline Watson and Doris McGee.
May they rest in peace.