The Bishop’s visit to our parish last weekend went well and he was greatly impressed by the welcome he received.
This Sunday we hear the story of Zachaeus. A man of substance and wealth he was prepared to look foolish by climbing a tree in order to see (and be seen by) Jesus.
‘Living in Solidarity with the Poor’
Our first challenge will be a ‘Reverse (slightly early) Advent Calendar’ for the Cromer and Norwich District Food Banks. If you would like to take part you will need to donate one item every day for 25 days in November from the list on the flyers in each church. These are items that the Food Banks really need at this time of the year. You can either fill your own box or bag at home or bring the items into Church and put them in the Food Bank collecting boxes provided. The filled boxes need to be returned to your Church, at the latest, by the weekend of the 4th December so that the Food Banks have time to distribute the food in time for Christmas.
‘Save Every Drop’ – ‘Living Sustainably with Creation”
This month we hope to focus on Saving Water. In Laudato Sii, Pope Francis refers to our planet as our sister Mother Earth, and St Francis of Assisi referred to our precious commodity ‘water’ as Sister Water.
How about using a cup or glass for your water when cleaning your teeth rather than running the tap?
Try to have a shower rather than a bath and then limit your shower to 3 minutes.
Collect rain water for your garden watering by fitting water butts to as many downpipes as possible.
Try using a bucket of water to clean the car rather than the hose.
We will soon begin the preparation course for children of First Holy Communion age. Please let me have the names of your child if they are 7-8 years old.
Father James
Last week’s collection: £803.16. Mission Sunday collection: £320.81
This week in the parish:
On Monday, the Senior Citizens Group meets in the hall. Autumn Craft Fair from 12 noon – 2pm. Lunches available consisting of soup, roll, cake, tea or coffee for £3. Four individual craftspeople will be selling their handmade goods along with the lovely items made by our own group members. All welcome.
A reminder that the Support Cambodia Annual Appeal closes on November 4th. Proceeds will pay for vitamins and basic necessities to be distributed during the charity’s annual visit in January. Bob Maidment will be at all Masses this weekend for those who wish to contribute. Alternatively donations may be made online at