Minutes of the Meeting held on TUESDAY 14 JUNE 2022 at 7.30pm
PRESENT: Fr James Walsh, Richard McGreevy (St Helen’s), (Chair), John Bolger (Parish Pastoral Assistant), Antonia Martinez (Sacred Heart), Becky Walker (Sacred Heart), Ann Gibbs (Sacred Heart), Keith Copperwheat (St John of the Cross), Ginny Keane (St John of the Cross), Peter Rylands (St Helen’s), Georgiana Rylands (St Helen’s), Catherine Watkins (Secretary)
1. APOLOGIES: There were no apologies.
Fr James opened the meeting with a prayer.
2. It was agreed to try and finish the meeting by 8.45pm.
3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING: on 15 March 2022 were agreed and signed.
a. Health & Safety Update. Defibrillators would be kept on the St Helen’s Forum agenda. Inspections had been completed apart from the Sacred Heart Presbytery and St John of the Cross church building – the Ellis Whittam representative is due to complete the checks on the latter in August. Richard reported that he had approached the North Walsham Fire Service regarding fire extinguisher training and a training evening had been booked for 7pm on 27 July at St Helen’s, lasting 2 hours. A maximum of 12 people could be accommodated, so 4 volunteers were required from each church community. An appeal for volunteers would be needed in the newsletter.
Action – Antonia
b. Covid Update. Since the last meeting, the numbers of parishioners attending Mass has increased in all three churches and levels are almost back to normal. The wearing of masks is no longer obligatory and few people are still wearing them. However, as Cathy pointed out, they were able to wear masks if they felt more comfortable doing so. Hand sanitizer is still available and is used regularly.
c. Elections of PPC representatives. James Ellis from St John of the Cross had beenasked if he was willing to stand and has now been received into the church. A nomination form would have to be completed – there should be one in the box.
Action – Keith
d. Faithful Stewards of God’s Gifts – Time, Talent & Treasure. Over the Sundays 15,22 & 29 May, Fr James had made the appeal to the parish and a copy of the accompanying leaflet was enclosed with the record of this meeting. Opportunity was given for parishioners to complete Gift Aid forms and increase/take out standing orders. A number of offers of time had been received at all three churches. Fr James reported that there had been a Deanery meeting the previous Wednesday at which he had been asked to share his experience of the programme. Fr James said that when he received the last set of publicity documents, he felt it was still too focussed on money. He was very frank with the Deanery clergy, his view being that if a parish was functioning well, money should not be a problem, particularly if the parishioners knew how the money is being spent.
e. Updating of Parish Directory. Cathy reported that Fr James had asked for the printing and publication of the new Directory be postponed. Fr James said that he would elaborate on that during his report to the PPC.
f. Trees in the Sacred heart Grounds. As there seemed to be some confusion, it was explained that this item had been raised at the previous meeting, with a view to having more trees planted in the grounds at the Sacred Heart church. There is a tree expert at St John of the Cross (Michael Baker). He would be asked to speak to Fr James.
Action – Keith
Fr James informed the Council that he planned to retire on 11 September.
A new priest has been appointed, but at this stage, his identity is not known. There will be a number of clergy moves around the Diocese in September. The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Fr James, which was carried unanimously. Fr James said that he planned to spend some time in France during July but would like the Summer Garden Party to be held on his return and that his family would be present. A date of Sunday 31 July was agreed on. Cathy to book hall.
Over the Easter season, there was a Reconciliation service and all Holy Week services were well attended.
Confirmations would be in September. We have 6 candidates and would need to find out when the Bishop is free.
First Holy Communions will be held on Sunday 19 June. There are 5 children due to make their First Communion.
RCIA is winding down now, as three adults were received into the Church at Easter.
Faithful Flames for younger children meets most Sundays and is enjoyed by the children. Kerry is to be commended for her enthusiastic and imaginative instruction of the children.
Action – Cathy, Antonia, Fr James
St John of the Cross. Keith reported on the results of the latest Forum meeting. There is now a counters’ rota, and volunteers have come forward to act as welcomers and collectors. The Quinquennial Inspection Report had identified repairs needed to the stonework round the sacristy window and Peter Adamson had asked for a quote.
St Helen. Had nothing to report, except to say that teas after Mass were returning to normal.
Sacred Heart. Fr James’s report had covered most developments at the Sacred Heart. Antonia added that she felt the need to stress Kerry’s contribution to the Parish in the work she puts into the children’s spiritual growth. She had also been at Walsingham to help lead the Young People’s pilgrimage. A number of parishioners had attended the Diocesan and Young Peoples’ Pilgrimages on 31 May and a coach had been booked which transported them from the Sacred Heart and St John of the Cross. Members of the Sacred Heart choir had sung with the Diocesan choir and had received permission from Daniel Justin to use his St Joseph’s Mass. Church Stewards are Welcomers now.
7. 2023 SYNOD OF BISHOPS: The completed questionnaires had been forwarded to the Diocese. Nothing further to report.
8. PARISH AGM: Had to be postponed from 16 May because of the water leak and ongoing problems with the Parish Hall. A new date of 25 July was agreed upon. There would be a guest speaker, and reports from the PPC Chair and from the Chair of the Finance Committee. Cathy to book the hall. It was the turn of St John of the Cross community to supply the main courses, Sacred Heart to provide the desserts. Antonia to draw up attendance lists for each of the churches.
Action – Antonia, Cathy, Richard, Fr James
a. Food Hygiene Certificates. The law with regard to the need for these Certificates had been a matter of concern for a while and Ginny confirmed that unless food was being sold, there would be no need for a holder of a Certificate to be present where food was being served.
b. Newsletter. Keith asked whether it would be possible for the liturgical year to be added to the week’s information on the front of the weekly newsletters.
Action – Antonia
c. Welcome to church. It had been noticed that at St Nicholas church in North Walsham, there were short welcoming notes in each pew. Was this a practice which we could adopt? For further consideration.
d. Sacred Heart Memorial Garden. The side gate to this garden is used by the undertakers and by the disabled, and at present is rendered unsightly by the presence of a large heap of garden refuse. Antonia and Fr James agreed to talk to Ziggy to ask him if it could be moved to a less conspicuous area.
Action – Fr James, Antonia
Tuesday 27 September 2022, 7.15pm for 7.30 at the Sacred Heart Presbytery, North Walsham
Fr James concluded the meeting with a prayer.