Minutes of the Meeting held on TUESDAY 14 JANUARY 2020 at 7.30pm
PRESENT: Fr James Walsh, Richard McGreevy (Chair), Antonia Martinez, Peter Rylands, John Bolger, Elaine Haughton, Grazyna Skawinska, Ginny Keane, Rebecca Walker, Keith Copperwheat, Sue Short, Catherine Watkins (Secretary)
- APOLOGIES: Deacon Ron O’Toole
Fr James opened the meeting with a prayer.
- It was agreed to try and finish the meeting by 9.00pm.
- MINUTES OF THE MEETING: of 22 October 2019 were approved and signed.
- Parking at the Sacred Heart Church. Thanks in most part to Becky and Aideen, this has been resolved.
- Readers’ Guidelines. Fr James said that he plans to hold a short session in each of the churches after a Sunday Mass for a brief refresher, and printed guidelines handed out. Readers will be commissioned during Sunday Mass. Fr James would arrange dates once he returns from Scotland.
Action – Fr James
- Newsletters. Antonia would include an entry in this week’s newsletter that items should reach the parish office by noon on the preceding Wednesday. Numbers have been reduced at the Sacred Heart and increased at St John of the Cross. St Helen’s reps agreed to monitor numbers there. With reference to the intermittent lack of space in the newsletter, it was suggested that the font size be reduced. Parishioners encouraged to read the newsletter on-line.
Action – Antonia
- Welcome Pack. Concerns were expressed over data protection. Parish records had always been stored in paper form, but it was stressed that any database used would not be on the internet, but would be held on the password protected computer at the Parish office. It need only be a simple database, easy to use. It is 4 years since the last parish census, and as the records are not up to date, maybe another census is needed. Cathy would design a form to be inserted in the newsletter over a three-week period, with a statement indicating what the information would be used for. It was suggested that a postcard-sized notice be devised for a letterbox drop on new estates in the parish. In fact, Churches Together in North Walsham have been considering something similar. Elaine suggested that Mass times be published in “The Bridge” magazine in Hoveton.
Action – Cathy, Richard, Elaine
- Recommissioning of Eucharistic Ministers and Readers. This would be done around the feast of Corpus Christi. There is a need for more Readers and Eucharistic Ministers.
Action – Fr James
- Parish Twinning. Fr James had had some thoughts and distributed a sheet of possibilities, taken from Aid to the Church in Need. Council members to e-mail Richard first and second choices by 21 January. Fr James stressed that whichever cause was chosen, the Parish would still retain its special relationship with the Parish of St Francis Xavier in Cambodia.
Action – all
- Bishops Council of Laity. Richard reported that this was held on 23 November 2019 and attended by about 40 representatives from around the Diocese. There are several parishes that do not have Parish Pastoral Councils. The Bishop said that the PPC is there to work with and to advise the Priest on important issues, but the Priest makes the final decision. We were asked to pray for vocations. With regard to Child Protection, there is now a vigorous procedure in place with appropriate action being taken immediately where required.
- COOL CATHOLIC KIDS: Ginny reported that the social side had been wound down although Family Masses would continue. Masses for the coming year would be: 2 February (with candles and renewal of Baptismal Vows), 1 March (Lent), 12 April, 3 May, 14 June (Corpus Christi and First Holy Communion), 6 September, 4 October, 1 November, 24 December. As in previous years, there would be children’s Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. There had been a lack of seating on Christmas Eve and this would need to be borne in mind next Christmas. Ginny will be organising an art project focussing on Easter. There is now a children’s area at the back of St John of the Cross, which has been welcomed by parents. This item will remain on the Agenda under the heading “Youth Matters”.
Action – Ginny
- THE YEAR OF THE WORD 2020: Fr James said that a working party had been formed and that Bible study groups had been set up at St Helen’s (led by Celia and Richard) and the Sacred Heart (led by John). Details of sessions in the parish newsletter. There would also be a Bible introductory course during Lent.
Action – Fr James, Richard, John
- PARISH AGM: This will be held on Monday 18 May 2020 at 6.00pm in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall. It is the turn of St Helen’s parishioners to provide the main courses and Sacred Heart the desserts. Will be a Chairman’s report and a Finance report.
St Helen. The new crib was dedicated to the memory of Liz Smith during a lovely evening with some of her family attending. Consideration is being given to a plaque. Parishioners from St Helen’s are carrying out a postcard drop to new houses, giving church details and service times. Increased recycling was discussed at the St Helen’s Forum, the use of a brown bin and more composting. They are also considering a more active community outreach, finding other ways the church building could be used. The reps asked if it would be possible to borrow a projector to support an event at next year’s rededication to the BVM. Antonia will post an entry in the Newsletter. Future dates – Catenian Presidents Mass 27 June, Filipino Festival 20 September.
Action – Antonia
St John of the Cross. During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity there would be sung Evening Prayer at St John of the Cross on Tuesday 21 January at 7.00pm. Rev Jack Branson would lead. Communion service at St Michael’s Wednesday 22 January at 10.00am, all welcome. World Day of Prayer, this year with a Zimbabwean theme, Friday 6 March, time tba. Looking at setting up a Memorial Garden. The only possible site sems to be behind the chapel. A new plan will need to be submitted to the Town Council. The issue of the church chairs is ongoing. The problem with the current ones is that they do not stack, but replacement will be very expensive. Visiting the sick and housebound was discussed – there is a shortage of trained visitors. Need to know those in hospital or housebound so that they may receive Communion. Diocesan Cambodia Mass at Bury St Edmonds on 14 March.
Sacred Heart. Chris and Antonia will produce an insert for the weekly newsletter, detailing tasks for which we need volunteers. There will also be an appeal for new altar servers, male or female, young or old, Ken would provide training. Fr James gave out details of the Bible study groups at the Sacred Heart and St Helen’s. Now that the Senior Citizens group had folded, there would be a trial run of coffee after Mass on Monday mornings. As celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity there would be an ecumenical service at the Salvation Army Citadel on 19 January at 3.00pm.
- Date of Next Meeting:
Tuesday 28 April 2020, 7.15pm for 7.30 at the Sacred Heart, North Walsham. Cathy to book hall.
Action – Cathy
Fr James concluded the meeting with a prayer.