From Brother Amalan Thainase in Sisophon:
Around 10 p.m we gathered together in the church to welcome the new year. We organised a prayer service. Brother Toeun preached the real meaning of Happiness. He said, “Happiness comes not from worldly things but from being good men and women for others.” Three students from each grade shared their experience after which neak gru [teacher] Saory led the group to remember and thank the Lord for the gifts and graces that He showered upon each of us.
Later she asked us to write down in a paper the sins each one committed during the whole year and the habits that each of us wants to give up during this coming new year. These papers were symbolically burned to add meaning to our lives.
And around the time 12:00 everyone shouted “happy new year 2014″and shared greetings with everyone. It was such a joyous experience to start the new year with such personal reflection and recollection meaningfully.